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The F/X Drinking Game

Disclaimer: F/X:The series does not, nor will it probably ever belong to me. This is ment purely for fun, and is not ment to harm or offend in any way. All rights belong to Rysher Entertainment, Winterset Productions, as well as any other I can't think of. You can try to sue me, but I don't have any money, so it would be useless. I would like to thank all who helped me think of these things, and those who offered suggestions. Thanks a lot!!

Note: In this game, the point is, that every time someone does one of the activities below, you take 1 drink of a beverage. 1 drink refers to 1 swallow of your beverage. If you are not thirsty, you can supplement 1 drink with 1 candy. (e.g. M&M's) I would recommend not to use alcohol. Otherwise, ENJOY!

Take one drink when:

Rollie says "Mate"

Bluey barks

Rollie wears black

Anyone calls Rollie by his last name

Rollie fakes an accident in a movie

Rollie says "Bloody"

Rollie uses his PDA

Rollie wears something totally ugly

Rollie whears a headset

Mira doesn't think Rollie's idea will work

If Leo thinks Rollie's idea won't work, take 3 drinks

Rollie talks to Bluey like a real dog

Angie gets over excited about something

Anyone makes a remark about the F/X business

Take two drinks when:

You can see angie's Stomach

You see Angie on roller blade's

Angie talks about her cyber pals

Rollie drinks (eg. Beer)

Someone refers to a movie, real or fictional

Rollie does an impression

If it's of Sean Connary (James Bond), take 3

Rollie wears glasses

Rollie drinks Tea

Rollie or Angie invents a new product

Bluey does something (e.g.. Piggyback)

Take three drinks when:

There is a flashback from another episode

take 4 if it is from this season

Rollie gets mad

Anyone mentions Leo take

Angie is sent undercover for something

Rollie is hanging by a rope of some sort

You see Angie with a backpack

Rollie get's beaten up

Rollie mentions life in Australia

Drink the whole glass when:

It is an "Angie Episode"

Rollie cry's

Rollie talks happily about his dad
