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To All of The Beautiful Ladies

Out of all my characteristics that I mentioned, the best characteristic that I possess is to show MAD love to the ladies of all flavas (chocolate, vanilla, etc). Yes I love women, I feel that they are the most beautiful creations that God has ever made. As a man, I feel it is my sworn, infinite duty, as well as an honor, to Treat You Right like Luther Vandross. Yes, I do respect ALL women as well, especially my black nubian queens and would do anything, yes ANYTHING, to please my women in every which way a REAL man can and should. With all these good qualities in mind, I am STILL single, but I am still testin' out the market of what I would like to call female free agency. Hopefully, I won't be testing this kind of market out TOO long in finding that special woman who I can finally sign a contract with and have that commitment that I hoped and desired for. Do you feel me on this one, ladies?
