drannoeth ar ol Term.) Ow! ow! meddai'r meddwyn i'm coryn mae cur. Fydd debyg i frathiad, neu doriad â dur; Mi weriais fy arian 'rwyn cwynfan bob cam, Mae hyn yn ddu gwmwl yn meddwl fy Mam. Mam, Mam, Ow! Ow! Mae hyn yn ddu gwmwl yn meddwl fy Mam! Fy ngwddf sydd yn boethlyd, a chrinllyd a chras, A'm safn yn llawn chwer'der gan flinder drwg flas; Dylaswn i wylio cyn llithro i ddrwg lam; Mae hyn yn ddu gwmwl yn meddwl fy Mam. Fy nghylla waghawyd, ac anwyd a ge's, - Nid oes yn fy nghorffyn i ronyn o wres; P'le bynag yr elwyf dyn ydwyf dan nam; Mae hyn yn ddu gwmwl yn meddwl fy Mam. Pe cawn fenthyg chwechyn gan rhyw un yn rhwydd, I'r dafarn cychwynwn, mi gerddwn o'r gŵydd; Cawn yno wir fwyniant mewn nwyfiant dinam, Er cymaint yw'r cwmwl sy'n meddwl fy Mam. Pan derfyn y chwechyn rhaid cychwyn tor cas, A minau yn gyndyn heb flewyn o flas, I fyned im llety 'rwy'n penu paham, Oherwydd y cwmwl sy'n meddwl fy Mam. Pe cawn help i godi o'm culni brwnt cas, A chymorth i ofyn am ronyn o ras, A gado ffol nwyfiant, er cymaint fu'n cam, Fe gilaiai'r du cwmwl sy'n meddwl fy Mam.Absalom Roberts 1780?-1864 Lloches Mwyneidd-dra 1832 Tôn: "Sweet Home" |
the day after a Bout.) "Oh! oh!" says the drunkard there is an ache in my head. It will be like a bite, or a cut with steel; I spent my money I am complaining every step, This is a black cloud in the thought of my Mother. Mother, Mother, Oh!, Oh! This is a black cloud in the thought of my Mother! My throat is hot, and parched and rough, And my mouth full of bitterness through the affliction of a bad taste; I ought to watch out before sliding to a bad place; This is a black cloud in the thought of my Mother. My stomach was emptied, and a cold I got, - There is not in my my body a grain of warmth; Wherever I go a man I am under a defect; This is a black cloud in the thought of my Mother. If I got the loan of a sixpence from someone readily, To the tavern I would start, I would walk from the presence; I would get there true enjoyment in faultless passion, Despite how great is the black cloud which is in the thought of my Mother. When the sixpence is finished there is need to break a box, And I stubborn without a whisker of taste, I go to my lodging I am wondering why, Because of the cloud which is in the thought of my Mother. If I got help to rise from my detestable, filthy straits, And assistance to ask for a grain of grace, And leave my foolish passion, despite how great was my mistake, Retreat would the black cloud which is in the thought of my Mother.tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion |