Toriad y Dydd Mae llawer un yn cofio Yr eneth fechan ddall; Ni welodd neb un fach mor fwyn, Mor brydferth, ac mor gall; Fe gerddodd am flynyddau I ysgol Dewi Sant, Ar hyd y ffordd o gam i gam, Yn nwylaw rhai o'r plant. 'R oedd gofal pawb am dani, A phawb yn hoffi 'r gwaith O helpu 'r eneth fach ymlaen, Trwy holl drofeydd y daith; Siaradai 'r plant am gaeau, A llwybrau ger y lli, Ac am y blodau tan eu traed, Ond plentyn dall oedd hi. Fe glywai felus fiwsig Yr adar yn y dail; Fe deimlai ar ei gwyneb bach Belydrau serch yr haul; Aroglai flodau 'r ddaear; Ond nis adwaenai 'r fûn Mo wên yr haul, a mwy na 'r oll Mo wên ei mam ei hun. Mae 'r plentyn wedi marw, - Ar wely angau prudd Fe wenodd ar ei mam gan ddweyd, "Mi welaf doriad dydd!" Ehedodd mewn goleuni Oddiwrth ei phoen a'i phall, A gweled golygfeydd y nef Y mae yr ENETH DDALL.John Ceiriog Hughes (Ceiriog) 1832-87 Alaw: Toriad y Dydd
The Break of Day Many a one remembers The little blind girl; Never was seen such a gentle little one, So beautiful, and so wise; She walked for years To St David's school, Along the road step by step, In the hands of some child or other. All cared for her, And all enjoyed the work Of helping the little girl along, Through all the bends of the journey; The children would speak about fields, And footpaths by the stream, And of the flowers beneath their feet, But she was a blind child. She would hear the sweet music Of the birds among the leaves; She would feel with her little face The intense rays of the sun; Smell the earth's flowers; But not recognize what they were Nor the smile of the sun, and most of all Not her own mother's smile. The child has died, - On her doleful deathbed She smiled at her mother and said, 'I can see the break of day!' She flew in light From her pain and affliction, And saw a vision of heaven Did the blind 2008 Richard B Gillion |