Būm innau'n rhodianna yn nyffryn Llangollen, Yn dringo y mynydd i Gaer Dinas Brān, Yn edrych i fyny at Gynwyd a Chorwen Tra mynydd Rhiwabon yn deifio gan dān. Mi a welais lān ddyfroedd aberoedd y Berwyn, A da ardal Dowrdu ar aswy a de, Ond mi welais lān fwthyn, nis gwn i beth wedyn, Nis gallwn i weled dim byd ond efe. Disgynnais o'r castell a chroesais yr afon, Fel curai fy nghalon anghofiaf fi byth; Ac fel heb yn wybod i'm traed, ar fy union At dy Jenny Jones ymgyfeiriais yn syth. Ac er bod hi yn eistedd ym mysg ei chwiorydd, A'i thad wrth ei hochor yn siarad ā fi, Gyda'i brawd o'r tu arall, nis gwn i mo'r herwydd, Ni allwn i weled neb byw ond hyhi. Yn eglwys Llangollen, tra'r clychau yn canu, Os euthum yn wirion, mi wn pwy a'm gwnaeth, Unasom ā'n gilydd, byth byth i wahanu Yn dlawd neu'n gyfoethog, yn well neu yn waeth. Yna da gennyf wybod, 'nenwedig fy hunan, Mae Jenny yn gwybod yn well na myfi, Mae yn dda gennyf ganu, mae'n dda gennyf arian, Ond ni allaf garu dim byd heblaw hi.John Ceiriog Hughes (Ceiriog) 1832-87 Alaw: (Sweet) Jenny Jones (John Parry [Bardd Alaw] 1776-1851)
I was strolling in the Vale of Llangollen, Climbing the mountain to Caer Dinas Brān, Looking up to Cynwyd and Corwen While Ruabon Mountain was burning with fire. I saw the clean waters of the confluences of the Berwyn, And the good region of Dowrdu to left and right, But I saw a clean cottage, I do not know what then, I could not see anything at all but it. I descended from the castle and crossed the river, My heart beating so I will never forget; And so without my feet knowing, I went straight To the house of Jenny Jones I steered myself directly. And although she was sitting Amongst her sisters, And her father by her side Talking with me, With her brother on the other side, I did not know why, I could not see anyone at all but her. In Llangollen church, while the bells were ringing, If I went foolishly, I knew who made me, We united with each other, Never ever to separate For poorer or richer, For better or worse. Well I know, especially myself, Jenny knows better than I Well I have singing, well I have money, But I cannot love Anyone at all but 2008 Richard B Gillion |
One morn from Llangollen's dim violet valley Lighthearted I clambered to Caer Dinas Bran. O'er Cynwyd and Corwen I saw the sun sally, Ruabon's far ridges faint blushed with the dawn. As I look'd, Berwyn's waters to silver were smitten, And Dee danced in diamonds to left and to right; But when one lonely cottage my lover's eyes lit on, Sure, ev'rything else faded out of my sight. From the castle downhill like a deer I went racing, With a heart pit-a-patting I leapt the ford stones; Till my feet through the air, like a pair of swifts chasing, Swept me straight to the doorstep of sweet Jenny Jones. She sat by her father and I by her brother, Her sisters, like roses, ranged round me for choice; But of all and of any I only saw Jenny, And listened alone to each tone of her voice. In the church of Llangollen when joybells were chiming, If once my wits wandered, right well I knew why. 'Twas Jenny's 'I take thee!' to heav'n sent them climbing, Until her soft pinch pulled me back from the sky. I love a good neighbour, I love rest from labour, Good music and preaching, my pipe and my purse; But above all an any, I love my own Jenny, For richer, for poorer, for better, for worse.A P Graves (1846-1931)