Yn Nyffryn Llwyn Onn draw mi welais hardd feinwen A minnau'n hamddena 'rol byw ar y don; Gwyn ewyn y lli oedd ei gwisg, a disgleirwen A'r glasfor oedd llygaid Gwen harddaf Llwyn Onn. A ninnau'n rhodiana drwy'r lonydd i'r banna, Sibrydem i'n gilydd gyfrinach byd serch; A phan ddaeth hi'n adeg farwelio a'r wiwdeg, Roedd tannau fy nghalon yng ngofal y ferch. Cyn dychwel i borthladd wynebwn y tonnau, Ond hyfryd yw'r hafan 'rol dicter y don; Bydd melys anghofio her greulon y creigiau - Un felly o'wn innau 'rol cyrraedd Llwyn Onn. A thawel mordwyo wnaf mwyach a Gwenno Yn llong fach ein bwthyn a hi wrth y llyw; A hon fydd yr hafan ddiogel a chryno I'r morwr a'i Wenno tra byddwn ni byw.Alaw
In yonder Valley of the Ash Grove I saw a beautiful maiden I being at leisure after a life on the wave; The flowing white foam was her raiment, and brightly shining And sea-blue the eyes of the most beautiful maid of Ash Grove. And we were strolling along lanes to the peaks Whispering to each other a secret of the world of love; And when the moment of farewell came so tender, The fires of my heart cared for the girl. Before returning to the port I was facing the billows, But the harbour is pleasant after the anger of the wave; It will be sweet to forget the angry claim of the rocks Just as I did after reaching Ash Grove. Henceforth I will quietly navigate by Venus In the small ship of our cottage with her at the helm; And this will be the safe and compact haven For the sailor and his Venus as long as we live.tr: 2008 Richard B Gillion |