Y mae'r aderyn gyda'r ddydd Yn rhoi tafodrydd fawl, Gan seinio i Ner yn bêr o'i big, Drwy'r goedwig am y gwawl: Cyweirio ei gân mewn hoywlan haf, A'i dannau - Naf yn dyst; A llais ei fawl, mewn nefawl nwy', Gogleisiodd fy nwy glust. Fel hyn y dylai fawl ein Duw Gan bob dyn byw drwy bwyll, Gael ei aberthu o galon bur, Mewn difyr sain ddi dwyll. Rhoi hwyr a boreu, yn y byd, Gwyn fyd, wir gân o fawl; Am ei gadwraeth yn mhob dull Yn yspaid gwyll a gwawl. |
The bird with the day is Giving a ready tongue of praise, Sounding to the Lord sweetly from his beak, Through the wood about the light: Tuning his song in a purely gay summer, And his chords - the Lord a witness; And the voice of his praise, in heavenly passion, Tickled my two ears. Thus should our God be praised By every living man through good sense, To get his sacrificing from a pure heart, In a pleasant, sincere sound. To give, evening and morning, in the world, How blessed, a true song of praise; For his preservation by every means In a period of darkness and light. tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion |