Pwy yw bugail y briallu, Fwyn finteioedd ffridd a ffos? Pa ryw lais a'u dysg i wenu Yn y rhewynt ar y rhos? Pa chwibanogl fu'n eu galw O'u gaeafol hun mor bêr? Hwythau'n deffro, yma ac acw, Mor ddi-sŵn a'r milmyrdd sêr. Riniwr anwyl! hwn a'u tywys Ar ei ôl i'r fan a fyn: Fyny'r llethrau noethlwm dyrys, 'Lawr i encilfeydd y glyn. Gofal dyn fu acw'n plannu Rhos-welyau plasty ffawd Pwy a wisgodd â briallu Gloddiau gardd y weddw dlawd? Gwelais ddoe, glystyrau'n dringo Ochrau serth y gledrffordd draw; Rhuthrai'r trên fel taran heibio, Hwythau'n chwerthin ar bob llaw! Rhaid bod bugail i'r briallu, Wasgaredig breiddiau mwyn; Pwy fel Ef am ragofalu Fugail symledd, fugail swyn! Hollbresennol dirion Allu, Ior y Nef! Ai nid Tydi, Dad y gwanwyn a'r briallu, Ydyw Bugail f'enaid i? - - - - - Pwy yw bugail y briallu, Filmyrdd preiddiau ffridd a ffôs? Pa ryw Lais a'u dysg i wênu Gyda'r gwanwyn ar y rhôs? Beth - ai'r gwanwyn dirion-wyneb, A'i fugeilffon yn ei law, Sy'n eu galw hwythau'n ateb - Twrr fan yma, twrr fan draw. Riniwr anwyl! hwn a'u tywys Ar ei ol i'r fan a fỳn, - Fyny'r llethrau noethlwm dyrys, Lawr i unigeddau'r glyn. Gofal dyn fu acw'n plannu Blôd-weliau palas ffawd; Pwy addurnodd â briallu Gloddiau gardd y weddw dlawd? Gwelais dwrr, pwy ddydd, yn gwênu Ar ymylau'r gledrffordd draw; Rhuthrai'r peiriant dan weryru - Hwythau'n chwerthin ar bob llaw! Rhaid fod bugail i'r briallu, Wasgaredig breiddiau mwyn; Pwy fel Hwn am rag-ofalu? Fugail symledd, fugail swyn. Holl-bresennol dirion Allu! Ior y Nef! Ai nid Tydi, Dad y gwanwyn a'r briallu, Ydyw Bugail f'enaid i?
John T Jôb 1867-1938 [Mesur: 8787] |
Who is the shepherd of the primroses, The gentle cohorts of sheep-walk and bank? What kind of voice teaches them to smile In the icy wind on the heath? What whistle was calling them From their winter sleep so sweet? Waking them, here and there, As noiselessly as the thousand-myriad stars. Beloved enchanter! he leads them Back to the place he wills: Up the naked, troublesome slopes, Down to the nooks of the vale. The care of man was there planting Rose-beds of a grange of happiness; Who has dressed with primroses The banks of the poor widow's garden? I saw yesterday, clusters climbing The steep sides of yonder railway; The train would roar past like thunder, They laughing on every hand! There must be a shepherd for the primroses Gentle, scattered flocks; Who like Him for caring exceedingly A simple shepherd, a chrming shepherd! The omnipresent tender Power, The Lord of Heaven! Is it not Thou, The Father of the Spring and the primroses, Who art the Shepherd of my soul? - - - - - Who is the shepherd of the primroses? A thousand-myriad flocks of sheep-walk and bank? What kind of Voice teaches them to smile With the spring on the moor? What - does the tender-faced spring go With his shepherd's crook in his hand? Calling them to respond - A bunch here, a bunch there? Beloved enchanter! he leads them Back to the place he wills, - Up the bare, troublesome slopes, Down to lonely spots of the vale. The care of man was there planting Flower-beds of a palace of happiness; Who adorned with primroses The banks of the poor widow's garden? I saw a bunch, some day, smiling On the sides of yonder railway; The engine roared whinnying - They laughing on every hand! There must be a shepherd for the primroses, Gentle, scattered flocks; Who like He for extreme caring? A simpl shepherd, a charming shepherd? Omnipresent, tender Power! The Lord of Heaven! Is it not Thou, The Father of the spring and the primroses, Who art the Shepherd of my soul? tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion |