Anghrediniaeth, cau dy enau, Yma gorwedd yn y llawr Lwch tri baban; dywed imi, Ai cadwedig ŷnt yn awr? Os trwy bechod mae marwolaeth, Hwy bechasant, - maent mewn bedd; Os trwy fuchedd dda ceir nefoedd, Hwy nid allant fod mewn hedd. Reswm, O mor wanned ydwyt, - Edrych i ddatguddiad Duw, - Pechodd Adda, - buont feirw, - Crist oddefodd, - maent yn fyw. |
Unbelief, shut thy mouth, Here lies in the ground The dust of three babies; tell me, Are they saved now? If through sin there is death, They had sinned, - they are in a grave; If through good behaviour heaven is gained, They cannot be in peace. Reason, O how weak thou art, - Look to the revelation of God, - Adam sinned, - they were dead, - Christ suffered, - they are alive. tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion |