Pennill Iago - 7676D] Yn Eden ardd mi syrthiais, gwrthgiliais oddiwrth Dduw, Mi gollais fy nedwyddwch, a'm harddwch o bob rhyw; Er cymmaint ag a gollais, trwy fydd mi ddyweda'n hy, Griddfanau Gethsemane ddug fwy yn ol i mi. Pennill Philip - 7676D] O Arglwydd, rho wirionedd, a sylwedd in' bob rhai, Na âd in' fyw yn rhagor ar hen egwyddor gau, Rhag i ni droi'n wrthgilwyr, a bradwyr crefydd Crist, A myn'd yn anobeithiol, i'r tân tragywyddol trist. Pennill Iago - 8787D] 'Rwy'n agored i wrthgilio, a dadfeilio yn mhob lle, Arglwydd, dyro rym i wylio tra b'wy'n teithio îs y ne': Dwg fi'n mla'n trwy'r dyrus anial, tua'r dawel ardal fry, Lle ca'l ganmol mewn caniadau werthfawr angeu Calfari. Pennill Pedr - 8787D] Arglwydd, dal fi hyd y diwedd, cadw 'ngowg yn y bla'n, Paid a'm gadael i segura, mae Sodoma bron ar dân: Dadrus, Arglwydd, fy ngafaelion, oddiwrth fy hen gyfeillion ffôl, Cadw 'ngolwg tua Zoar, na'd fi edrych byth yn ol. Pennill Luc - 8787D] 'Rwy'n agored i wendidau, a ffaeleddau aml ryw, Ac ni's cerdda'i gam yn berffaith, ond yn hyfryd nerth fy Nuw: Arglwydd, arwain fi bererin, trwy bob dyffryn tywyll dû, Dwg fi yn dy law yn ddiangol, i'r Baradwys nefol fry. Pennill Marc - 7676D] Mae'n well fod mewn carchardŷ, pe mewn tlodi maith, Na dysgu gydâ'r mawrion ryw ddrwg afraslon iaith: Na ddoed llygredig eiriau o'm genau byth i ma's, Ond rhai f'o'n adeiladu, a rhai f'o'n peri gras. Pennill Ioan - 8787D] Gwyliwn, frodyr, byddwn sobor, ydyw cynghor Crist ein Duw, Byddwn ddiwyd yn y llafur, dyna'r llwybyr i ni fyw; A gochelwn fyn'd yn 'smala gydâ'r lân Ddalilah ffol, Onite cawn ein harcholli, pan yn cysgu yn ei chol. Pennill Pedr - 8787D] 'Rwyf yn byw mewn tywydd niwlog, ac mewn maith dymhestlog nos, Hyd ne's caffo'm heiddil enaid, ffyddiog welaid gwaed y gro's. Golwg newydd ar yr Iesu, i mi yn ngoleuni ffydd, Dry'r nosweithiau mwyaf tywyll, i mi gyd yn oleu ddydd. uwch ben Gwrthgilwyr - Pennill Matthew -7676D] 'Rwy'n byw mewn tywydd niwlog, a maith dymhestlog nos, Ne's caffo'm heiddil enaid, i weled gwad y gro's: Ond golwg ar yr Iesu i'm yn ngoleuni ffydd, A dry'r tywyllwch dudew i gyd yn oleu ddydd. Pennill Ioan - 8787D] Crist yw'n hanwyl Fugail ffyddlon, mae 'fe'n dirion nos a dydd, 'Fe a'm dwg i o'r anialwch; ac o'r d'ryswch oll yn rhydd: Ar ei 'sgwyddau dof tuag adran, i gorlanau'r defaid mwyn, Mae'n coleddu y mammogiaid, mae'n mynwesu'r gweiniaid wyn.Azariah Shadrach 1774-1844 Goleuni Caersalem 1830
Goleuni Caersalem I |
James's Verse - 7676D] In the garden of Eden I fell, I defected from God, I lost my happiness, and my beauty of every kind; Although I lost so much, through faith I will say boldly, The groans of Gethsemane bring more back to me. Philip's Verse - 7676D] O Lord, grant truth, and substance to us every one, Do not let us live any more on an old, false principle, Lest we turn into apostates, and betrayers of the faith of Christ, And go hopelessly, into the sorrowful, eternal fire. James's Verse - 8787D] I am open to backslide, and degenerate in every place, Lord, give force to watch while ever I am travelling under heaven: Draw me forward through the troublesome desert, towards the quiet region above, Where I may praise in songs the valuable death of Calvary. Peter's Verse - 8787D] Lord, hold me until the end, keep my view forward, Do not let me be lazy, Sodom is almost on fire: Untangle, Lord, my attachments, from my old foolish friends, Keep my view towards Zoar, never let me look back. Luke's Verse - 8787D] I am open to weaknesses, and failures of many a kind, And I will not walk a step perfectly, except in the delightful strength of my God: Lord, lead pilrim me, through every dark, black valley, Bring me in thy hand safely, to the heavenly Paradise above. Mark's Verse - 7676D] It is better to be in a prison house, if in extensive poverty, Than to learn with the great some wicked, ungracious language: May no corrupt words ever come out of my mouth, But those which would build up, and those which would promote grace. John's Verse - 8787D] Let us keep watch, brothers, let us be sober, it is the counsel of Christ our God, Let us be diligent in the labour, that is the path for us to live; And let us avoid going fickle with the foolish, handsome, Delilah, Lest we get ourselves wounded, when sleeping in her bosom. Peter's Verse - 8787D] I am living in dark fog, and in a vast, tempestuous night, Until my weak soul should get, hopefully to see the blood of the cross. A new view of Jesus, for me in the light of faith, Turn's the darkest nights, for me all into the light of day. over Apostates - Matthew's Verse -7676D] I am living in dark fog, and a vast tempestuous night, Until my weak soul should get, to see the blood of the cross: But a view on Jesus for me in the light of faith, Shall turn the thick, black darkness altogether into the light of day. John's Verse - 8787D] Christ is our faithful, dear Shepherd, he is tender night and day, He will lead me from the desert; and from all the bewilderment free: On his shoulders I will come towards home, to the folds of the gentle sheep, He nurtures the dams, he holds in his bosom the weak 2015 Richard B Gillion |