Pennill Marc - 7676D] O am 'nabod grym duwioldeb, yn fy enaid nos a dydd, Ac â'm dygo dros y bryniau serth i'r lan yn ngoleu ffydd: Ond tra byddwyf mewn anialwch, ac mewn d'ryswch dudew nos, Cadw 'ngolwg trwy'r cymylau, ar rinweddau gwaed y groes. Pennill Marc - 8787D] Crist yw'm haulwen oleu ddysglaer, sy'n goleuo'm henaid gwan, Ac fe ymlid y tywyllwch, oll i gerdded yn y man: Fe wresoga'm calon oerllyd; todda'm hysbryd rhewllyd i, Hyd ne's b'wyf yn wylo'r dagrau, am riddfanau Calfari.Azariah Shadrach 1774-1844 Goleuni Caersalem 1830
Goleuni Caersalem I |
Mark's Verse - 7676D] O to know the force of godliness, in my soul night and day, And to bring me over the steep hills up in the light of faith: But while I live in a desert, and in the bewliderment of thick dark night, Keep my gaze through the clouds, on the merits of the blood of the cross. Mark's Verse - 8787D] Christ is my bright, shining sunlight, which illuminates my weak soul, And he chases the darkness, all to walk soon: He warms my chilly heart; melts my icy spirit, Until I am weeping the tears for the groans of 2015 Richard B Gillion |