I ba beth y gwneir cydmariaeth O ddyn a'i ymdaith yn y byd? Tybyg yw i Jehu Frenin, Yn gyru'n erwin iawn o hyd; Ei rediad sydd ar ol dedwyddwch, Gan d'weyd fod draw ryw fyd sy well - Drw ryw gymaint o'r fan yma - Draw, nid ystyr pa mor bell. Gyda mân deganau'r plentyn Ddywed, "Draw mi fydda'n llanc;" Fely gyr nes cyrhaedd yno, Eto ni bydd lai ei wanc; Yna dywed wrtho'i hunan, "Draw mi welaf mae gwyn fyd, Draw yn nyffryn glân briodas, Draw in ninas ennill byd. Gyru wna yr hwyr a'r boreu, Nes cyrhaedd i'r fan hòno'n flin; Ond wed'yn draw y mae dedwyddwch, Draw mae'n gweled newid hîn; Draw 'nol gorphen magu'r epil, A myn'd twy'r trafferthion mawr, Yna'n wir fe geir dedwyddwch, Colli'r boen, rhoi'r baich i lawr. Ond er cyrhaedd i'r fan hòno, Draw yn rhywle mae gwyn fyd, - Nis gall dd'weyd y fan yn gymwys, Ond mai draw, a draw o hyd; Gan hyny, gyru sydd raid iddo, - Er ei ludded, ni chaiff hedd; A chyn cael gafael ar ddedwyddwch, Cyll ei wynt, a syrth i'r bedd.John William Hughes (Edeyrn ap Nudd) 1817-49 Y Lloffyn 1842 |
To what is a comparison to be made Of a man and his journey in the world? He is like King Jehu, Always driving very furiously; His course is after happiness, Saying that yonder is some better world - Yonder some extent from here - Yonder, not reckoning how far. With the small toys of children Saying, "Yonder I shall be a youth;" Therefore drive until arriving there, Still his desire will be no less; Then saying to himself, "Yonder I see that there is blessing Yonder in the vale of holy matrimony, Yonder in the city of winning the world. He will drive evening and morning, Until reaching that place exhaustd; But afterwards, yonder there is happpiness, Yonder he is seeing a change of weather; Yonder after finishing bringing up the brood, And going through the great troubles, Then truly happiness is to be had, Losing the pain, putting the burden down. But although arriving at that place, Yonder in some place there is blessedness, - He is not able to say where exactly, But that it is yonder, and still yonder; Therefore, he must drive, - Despite his exhaustion, he will not get peace; And before he gets a grasp on happiness, He will lose his wind, and fall into the grave.tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion |