Fy nghalon i sydd Yn danfon bob dydd, At flode brig tansi, lon ffansi, lawn ffydd; Mor bêr yw dy bryd  rhôs ar lan rhyd, Neu lafant neu lili, 'n deg bwysi i'r byd, Dy gusan digêl Yw'r mwsg ar y mêl, Cnewyllyn dy ddeufin i'm dilyn y dêl; Mwy braint a mwy bri Cael ymwasgu â th'di Na chywth brenhinieth, gwen eneth, gen i! Nid ydyw da'r byd A'i hyder o hyd, I wŷr ac i wragedd ond gwagedd i gyd; Mawr serch a hir sai', Da drysor di-drai, Yn hwy o flynyddoedd na thiroed a thai. Ceir dra-serch heb droi A chalon i'w chloi, Os wyt ti, f'anwylyd, yn dwedyd y doi; Os tynni di'n groes, Mae'n berygl am f'oes O gariad dŵys drawiad ym'dawiad nid oes. Rhag clywed bob gradd Yn lliwied fy lladd, Gan ddwedyd - "Gwae honno, er ceisio, a'i nacâdd!" Moes gysan, moes gael Mwyn eiriau, main ael, A phardwn a phurdeb dy wyneb di-wael; Moes galon lwys lawn Car'digrwydd a dawn, Tiriondeb, ffyddlondeb, uniondeb a wnawn; Ystyria, moes di, Lliw'r ewyn o'r lli', Drugaredd gyfannedd, M. waredd, i mi. Huw Morys (Eos Ceiriog) 1622-1709 gwelir: Tôn Alarch |
My heart is Sending every day To the flowers of the sprigs of tansy, a cheerful fancy, full of faith; As sweet is thy countenance As roses on a russet bank, Or lavender or a fair lily, as a posy to the world, Thy unconcealed kiss Is the musk on the honey, The kernal of thy two lips to follow me shall come; A greater privilege and a greater honour To get to press together with thee Than the breath of royalty, fair maiden, for me! The goods of the world With its constant pride To men and to women is all but vanity; Great affection long shall stand, Good, unebbing treasure, Longer in years than lands and houses. Passion without turning is to be got And a heart to lock it, If thou art, my beloved, saying thou shalt come; If thou prove contrary, It is a peril for my life From intense love there is not the stroke of leaving. From hearing every degree Upbraiding killing me, Saying - "Woe to her, despite trying, and denying her!" Give kiss, give the getting Of gentle words, a fine eyebrow, And the pardon and purity of thy excellent face; Give a comely heart full Of kindness and talent, Gentleness, faithfulness, directness we would make; Consider, give thou, Colour of the foam from the floodtide, Sociable mercy, M. compassion, to me. tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion |