Yn awr mae Rhagluniaeth fel mammaeth i mi, Gwych osgordd a chysgod dda hynod oedd hi; Rhagluniaeth ardderchog, alluog ei llaw, Sy'n cadw fy mywyd o'r drygfyd sydd draw. Pan gyfyd rhyw flinder, gorthrwmder a thrais, Rhagluniaeth galonog, alluog ei llais, Sy'n darpar rhag niwed ymwared i me, Er gwaetha'm gelynion, rai creulon eu cri. Ar fronau Rhagluniaeth magwraeth a gês: Gwnaeth ambell orthrymder im' lawer o lês; Mae dw'r gorthymderau im' weithiau'n troi'n win, Yn hynod o glasus a melus i'm min. Cael ambell gwpanaid i'w hyfed o hwn, Mi gariaf heb rwgnach yn mhellach fy mhwn; Bwytâf y dail surion yn rhwyddion bob rhyw, Wrth gael o'r Oen dammaid i f'enaid i fyw. Os pell o fy nghartre' mae'r fangre i mi fyw, Trwy drefniad Rhaguniaeth fwyn odiaeth fy New, Tan dirion gadwraeth Rhagluniaeth o'm gwlad, Defnyddied fi'n addas yn nheyrnas fy Nhad. Thomas Edwards hen ffrind | an old friend of Edward Jones 1761-1836 i | to Edward Jones mab | Edward Jones the son of Edward Jones 1761-1836 |
Now Providence is like a foster-mother to me, A brave bodyguard and remarkably good shelter she is; Exceptional Providence, powerful her hand, It is, who keeps my life from the evil world which is yonder. When some affliction, oppression or assault arises, Hearty Providence, powerful her voice, Is preparing from harm deliverance for me, Despite how bad are my enemies, some cruel their cry. On the breasts of Providence a nurturing I got: She made many an oppression much of benefit to me; The water of oppression for me she sometimes turns to wine, Remarkably tasty and sweet to my lip. To get many a cupful to drink from this, I love without grumbling henceforth my load; I shall eat the bitter leaves as gifts every kind, While getting from the Lamb a morsel for my soul to live. If far from my home is the site for me to live, Through the arrangement of gentle Providence from my God, Under the tender keeping of Providence from my country, Let it use me worthily in the kingdom of my Father. |