Nostradamus, Mother Shipton, Conan-Doyle and Dan Brown get the progressively skeptical and less than serious song treatment.
Oh Nostradamus
Richard B Gillion
Oh Nostra|damus
You do a|larm us
With your | visions of the | end of the world
Your pre|dictions
Our af|flictions
Did fore|tell as if through | smoke and fire | swirled
Why do we | marvel at your | words
When like | fish or beasts or | birds
We only | live for to|day and not to|morrow?
Your words pre|dict our latest | plight
But it's | only with hind|sight
That we | understand your | telling of our | sorrow
Oh Mother | Shipton
We read your | script on
Pages | written many | decades since your | life
But your great | spell
Was to fore|tell
Cars, | planes, the inter|net and world-wide | strife
Why do we | marvel at your | words
When like | fish or beasts or | birds
We only | live for to|day and not to|morrah?
You de|scribe technolo|gy
And other | things still yet to | be
And a | world that looks like | Sodom and Go|morrah
Oh Sir | Arthur
I would | rather
Read | Sherlock Holmes than | contact your dead | spirit
Now Conan-|Doyle
You're off the | boil
Your | love of the oc|cult had little | merit
Why do we | marvel at your | words
When like | fish or beasts or | birds
We only | live for to|day and not to|morrow?
You must | like the deceased | better
For you've | sent no spirit | letter
We've not | heard from you in | this poor vale of | sorrow
Oh dear Dan | Brown
You cause a | frown
When re|vealing history's | secrets long un|known
Your brand new | theory
It is so | deary
And | now we learn it's | not even your | own
Why do we | marvel at your | words
When like | fish or beasts or | birds
We only | live for to|day and not to|morrow?
To crack your | codes we seldom | fail
But you | tell a darned good | tale
Even | if the central | theme you once did | borrow
Mother Shipton
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Dan Brown