Richard B Gillion
ONE It’s a shame and a sin. It wasn’t like this in my young days.
TWO Nor mine neither. You knew where you were then.
ONE That’s right. Kings rode on horses and lived in palaces, and pilgrims came
to the feast to see the temple.
TWO Now this lot arrive from up north and turn everything upside down.
ONE The call their friend a king and sit him on a donkey, on their cloaks, and
start hailing him.
TWO Not to mention the crowd, who cut branches from the trees and start waving
them and paving his way with them.
ONE And shouting Hosanna as if he were God.
TWO “Hosanna to the Son of David.”
ONE “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.”
TWO “Hosanna in the highest.”
ONE Stirring all the city.
TWO Getting all the children shouting praises.
ONE It’s not dignified.
TWO It’s not what we were brought up to do.
ONE No, we never shouted praises or danced around waving our arms in the air,
not to mention the branches.
TWO No, we stood still and prayed.
ONE Or sat still and heard the scriptures read in reverent tones.
TWO “Clap your hands all you nations, shout to God with cries of joy.”
ONE “Come let us sing for joy to the Lord, let us shout aloud to the rock of
our salvation.”
TWO “Praise him with tambourines and dancing, praise him with the strings and
ONE What we need is more scripture reading.
TWO Then people would know how to behave.
RTF version of this sketch