C A N I A D A U,

Y rhai sydd ar y

M O R   O   W Y D R,   &c.



Yn   D A I R   R H A N:

  I. Hymnau Ysprydol ar amryw Destynau
  II. Hymnau Sacramentaidd.
  III. Caniadau Moesol, ar amryw Fesurau
    ac Ystyriaethu.


P E D W A R Y DD   A R G R A PH I A D,
Gyd â Chwanegiad o Hymnau newyddion nad
oedd yn un o'r Argraphiadau o'r blaen.

Gan   W.   W I L L I A M S.

I   C O R.  xiv 15.
Canaf â'r Yspryd, a chanaf â'r Deall hefyd.

T H E   S O N G S,

Of those who are on the

S E A   O F   G L A S S,   &c.


The KING of the SAINTS

In   T H R E E   P A R T S:

  I. Spiritual Hymns on various Themes
  II. Sacramental Hymns.
  III. Moral Songs, on various Measures
    and Considerations.


F O U R T H   I M P R E S S I O N,
Together with Additional new Hymns that were
not in any of the Impressions previously.

By   W.   W I L L I A M S.

I   C O R.  xiv 15.
I will sing with the Spirit, and I will sing with the Understanding also.

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