A oes gobaith am achubiaeth?

(Drws Gobaith)
A oes gobaith am achubiaeth?
  Oes maddeuant am bob bai?
A oes hedd a meddyginiaeth,
  A oes Ceidwad i'r fath rai?
"Oes," medd Duw o'r nef yn eglur,
  "Mi ddarperais aberth llawn;
Y mae hedd, a gras, a chysur
  Genny'n rhoddion parod iawn."

Yn efengyl iachawdwriaeth
  Y mae drws yn agor in';
Drws i'w drugareddau helaeth,
  A'i rad drysor nad yw brin:
Bellach awn, ac awn yn union,
  At orseddfa nefol rad:
Credwn, profwn
    o fendithion
  Gras, a gwledd
      y nefol wlad.
Thomas Jones 1756-1820

Tôn [8787D]:
Balducci (Arthur H Mann 1850-1929)
Dismission (W F Wade c.1711-86)
Esther(Ieuan Gwyllt 1822-77)
Hyfrydol (R H Prichard 1811-87)
Moriah (alaw Gymreig)
Nercwys (hen alaw)
Sanctus (Isalaw 1843-1901)
Scopas (C Hancock 1852- )

(A Door of Hope)
Is there hope for salvation?
  Is there forgiveness for every fault?
Is there peace and healing,
  And is there a Saviour to such?
"Yes," says God clearly from heaven,
  "I prepared a full sacrifice;
There is peace, and grace, and comfort
  With me as very ready gifts.

In the gospel of salvation
There is a door open for us;
A door for his generous mercies,
  And his free treasure that is not scarce:
Now let us go, and let us go at once,
  To the gracious heavenly throne:
Let us believe,
    let us taste of the blessings
  Of grace, and the feast
      of the heavenly land.
tr. 2010,23 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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