A awn ni 'mlaen mewn pechod cas Am fod dy ras yn maddau; Gan ail groeshoelio Crist ein Ior, Ac agor ei holl glwyfau? Na ato Duw tra ynom chwyth, Na chlywer byth i'r rhei'ny, Groeshoeliodd eu pechodau un waith, Fyn'd eilwaith i'w cyfodi. Na fyddwn mwy i'n chwantau'n gaeth, Can's Crist a'n gwnaeth yn rhyddion; Ein treiswyr hoeliodd wrth ei groes, A rhyddid roes i'r caethion. Ein treiswyr :: A'n treiswyr
cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77 Mesur: MS 8787 |
Shall we go on in hated sin Because thy grace is forgiving; While re-crucifying Christ our Lord And opening all his wounds? God forbid while we have breath! May it never be heard that those Who crucified their sins once, Go a second time to raise them. Let us be no longer to our lusts captive, Since Christ has made us free; Our oppressors he nailed to his cross, And freedom he gave to the captives. Our opressors :: And our oppressors tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion |
Shall we go on to sin Because thy grace abounds; Or crucify the Lord again, And open all his wounds? Forbid it, mighty God! Nor let it e'er be said, That we whose sins are crucified Should raise them from the dead. We will be slaves no more, Since Christ has made us free; Has nailed our tyrants to his cross, And bought our liberty.
Tunes [SM 6686]: |