A fydd i'r Duw tragwyddol mawr?

And will the great eternal God?

(Ar agoriad Eglwys)
A fydd i'r Duw trag'wyddol mawr
Sefydlu'i drigfan ar y llawr?
  Ac o'i orseddfaingc ddisglair fry
  Arddel ein temlau iddo'n dŷ?

O Arglwydd, disgyn lawr o'r ne',

A'th bresennoldeb llanw'r lle!

  A chyd â'th air aed gallu ma's,

  I lonni'th blant, a maeddu'th gas.

Ac yn y dydd mawr ola'i gyd,
Pan farno'th Fab holl bobloedd byd,
  O caffer gwel'd fod yma lu
  A aned i'r gogoniant fry.
cyf. Casgliad o Salmau a Hymnau (Daniel Rees) 1831

- - - - -

(A drig Duw gyda Dyn?)

A fydd i'r Duw tragwyddol mawr
Sefydlu'i drigfan ar y llawr?
  Ac o'i orseddfainc ddysglair fry
  Arddel ein temel iddo'n dŷ?

O Arglwydd, disgyn lawr o'r ne',

A'th bresenoldeb llanw'r lle!

  Boed gallu gyda'th air, O Dduw,

  I godi llu o feirw'n fyw!

Ac yn y diwrnod ola'i gyd,
Pan farno Duw holl deulu'r byd,
  O gweler eni yma lu
  O feibion i'r gogoniant fry.
cyf. Cas. o Hymnau ... Wesleyaidd 1844

Tôn [MH 8888]: Yr Hen Ganfed (Louis Bourgeois 1510-72)

(On opening a Church)
And will the great eternal God
Establish his residence down on earth?
  And from his shining throne above
  Own our temples as his house?

O Lord, descend down from heaven,

And thy presence fill the place!

  And may thy word be taken out with power.

  To cheer thy children, and strike thy enemy.

And in the great last day of all,
When thy Son judges all the world's peoples,
  O may there be seen that here is a host
  Which was born to the glory above.

- - - - -

(Will God dwell with Man?)

And will the great eternal God
Establish his residence down on earth?
  And from his shining throne above
  Own our temple as his house?

O Lord, descend down from heaven,

With thy presence fill the place!

  May there be power with thy word, O God,

  To raise a host of the dead to be alive!

And in the last day of all,
When God judges all the world's family,
  O may there be seen born here a host
  Of sons to the glory above.
tr. 2008 Richard B Gillion
(On opening a new place for worship)
And will the great eternal God
On earth establish His abode?
  And will He, from His radiant throne,
  Accept our temple for His own?

These walls we to Thy honour raise;
Long may they echo with Thy praise;
  And Thou, descending, fill the place
  With choicest tokens of Thy grace.

Here let the great Redeemer reign,
With all the graces of His train;
  While power divine His Word attends,
  To conquer foes, and cheer His friends.

And in that great decisive day,
When God the nations shall survey,
  May it before the world appear
  That crowds were born to glory here.

- - - - -

(On opening a new place for worship)

And will the great eternal God
On earth establish His abode?
  And will He, from His radiant throne,
  Accept our temple for His own?

These walls we to Thy honour raise;
Long may they echo with Thy praise;
  And Thou, descending, fill the place
  With choicest tokens of Thy grace.

Here let the great Redeemer reign,
With all the graces of His train;
  While power divine His Word attends,
  To conquer foes, and cheer His friends.

And in that great decisive day,
When God the nations shall survey,
  May it before the world appear
  That crowds were born to glory here.
Philip Doddridge 1702-51

Tunes [LM 8888]:
    Green's (<1829)
    Rockingham (Edward Miller 1731-1807)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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