A gaiff doethineb weiddi maes?

(Iaith doethineb)
A gaiff doethineb weiddi maes,
Heb neb yn gwrando
    iaith ei gras?
  Lleferydd y tragwyddol Dduw,
  A haeddai barch
      gan bob dyn byw.

Mi oedd ei brif hyfrydwch ef,
Ei Fab tragwyddol cyn bod nef:
  A llawenhe's, er gwaeled yw,
  Wel'd lle preswyliai dynolryw,

Fy meddwl ar y cyntaf âi
Ar iechydwriaeth y fath rai;
  A gadwo'm ffyrdd i, dedwydd yw
  A'r dyn a'u gedy, ni bydd byw.
Casgliad Samuel Roberts 1841

[Mesur: MH 8888]

(The language of wisdom)
Shall wisdom get to shout out,
Without anyone hearing
    the language of its grace?
  The speech of the eternal God,
  Would deserve reverence
      from every living man.

His main delightfulness was,
His eternal Son before heaven was:
  And I rejoiced, although it is so poor,
  To see the place humankind would live.

My thought at the first would go
On salvation of such a sort;
  Whoever keeps my ways, happy is he
  And the man who leaves them, shall not live.
tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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