A gair fe greodd Duw y byd

(Yr Iachawdwriaeth)
A gair, fe greodd Duw y byd,
  A bydoedd fyrdd fel un;
Ond Ef, mewn cnawd, fu'n chwysu'n fûd,
  Uwch iachawdwriaeth dyn.

Fe chwiliodd holl orielau'r nef
  Am ei defnyddiau hi;
Fe'u cafwyd yn ei galon Ef -
  Ein Brawd, ein Iesu ni.

Fe'i gwnaeth i ddenu'r dall,
    â chain
  Brydferthwch ei gwên fyw,
I swyno'r byddar, gyda sain
  Peroriaeth, fel llais Duw.

Mae'n cynyg croesaw i ti, dlawd!
  Ac ar ei gwefus lân,
Mae anadl bywyd i bob cnawd,
  A ddiffydd angerdd tân.

Iachawdwriaeth! hanfod wen,
  Er wedi'th eni o waed!
Cymhlether odlau gylch dy ben, -
  Mae Satan dan dy draed.
John Robert Pryse (Golyddan) 1840-62

Tôn [MC 8686]: Farrant (R Farrant 1530-81)

(The Salvation)
With a word, God created the world,
  And a myriad worlds as one;
But He, in flesh, was sweating mutely,
  Over the salvation of man.

He sought all the galleries of heaven
  For its materials;
He got them in His heart -
  Our Brother, our Jesus.

He did it to attract the blind,
    with the elegant
  Beauty of his living smile,
To charm the deaf, with the sweet
  Sound of music, like the voice of God.

He is offering a welcome to thee, poor one!
  And on his holy lip,
Is the breath of the life of all flesh,
  Which will extinguish the fire of passion.

Salvation! bright essence,
  For thee to have been born from blood!
Verses are to be composed around thy head, -
  Satan is under thy feet.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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