Â'n hyder yn yr Iesu mawr

By Christ redeemed in Christ restored

Â'n hyder yn yr Iesu mawr
Fe gofiwn am y sanctaidd awr
Pan roes ei fywyd drud i lawr,
  Hyd nes y daw.

Yng nghof yr Eglwys ymhob man
Mae'r corff a ddrylliwyd ar ein rhan
A'r bara bortha'n henaid gwan
  Hyd nes y daw.

Am ffrydiau yr anhraethol loes
Dywalltwyd drosom ar y groes
Y traetha'r gwin o oes i oes,
  Hyd nes y daw.

Fel yma unir
    nos ei frad
A'i ail-ddyfodiad a'i fawrhad
O fewn y rasol ordinhad,
  Hyd nes y daw.

Hyd nes y seinia'r udgorn mawr,
Hyd nes yr egyr beddau'r llawr,
Ac yn awdurdod barn yn awr
  Y daw Efe.

O obaith hoff! O ddedwydd ddydd:
Na fydd mwy ein bron yn brudd
Ond awn ymlaen
    yng ngrym ein ffydd,
  Hyd nes y daw.
Fe gofiwn :: Ni gofiwn

efel. E Keri Evans 1860-1941

Tôn [8884]: Calm / Tangnefedd (J B Dykes 1823-76)

With our confidence in great Jesus
We will remember for the holy hour
When he laid down his dear life,
  Until he come.

In the memory of the Church everywhere
Is the body which was broken for our sake
And the bread which nourishes our weak soul
  Until he come.

About streams of the inexpressible anguish
Poured out for us on the cross
Expounds the wine from age to age,
  Until he come.

Thus here to be united are
    the night of his betrayal
And his second coming and his greatness
Within the gracious ordinance,
  Until he come.

Until the great trumpet sound,
Until the graves of earth open,
And in the authority of judgment now
  He shall come.

Oh well-liked hope, oh happy day:
No longer will our breast be sad
But we will go forward
    in the strength of our faith,
  Until he come.

tr. 2013 Richard B Gillion

By Christ redeemed, in Christ restored,
We keep the memory adored,
And show the death of our dear Lord,
  Until He come.

His body broken in our stead
Is here in this memorial bread,
And so our feeble love is fed
  Until He come.

The streams of His dread agony,
His life blood shed for us, we see;
The wine shall tell the mystery
  Until He come.

And thus that dark
    betrayal night
With the last advent we unite
By one blest chain of loving rite
  Until He come.

Until the trump of God be heard,
Until the ancient graves be stirred,
And, with the great commanding word,
  The Lord shall come.

O blessèd hope! with this elate
Let not our hearts be desolate,
But, strong in faith,
    in patience wait
  Until He come.

1857 George Rawson 1807-89

Tune [8884]: Shoreham (1871 J B Dykes 1823-76)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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