A'n henaid Arglwydd i'th fawrhawn

Our souls shall magnify the Lord

(Cān Mair y Forwyn; neu'r
Messia addawedig yn cael ei eni, Luc i. 46, &c.)
A'n henaid, Arglwydd, i'th fawrhawn,
Yn Nuw'n Iachawdwr llawenhawn;
  Wrth ddatgan cerdd
      y Forwyn lān,
  Boed i'r un Yspryd hwylio'n cān.

Ei gwaeled, gwelodd Brenin Nef,
A phethau mawr i hon wnaeth ef;
  Ei nerth a'i ras ef arni ddaeth,
  Yn fam i'w anwyl Fab fe'i gwnaeth.

Bendigaid galwed pobloedd hi,
A byth parhaed
    ei chlod a'i bri;
  Ond nag addolwn neb ond Duw,
  Eiddigus o'i ogoniant yw.

I'r rhai sy'n ofni a chredu yn Nuw,
Byth sicir ei drugaredd yw;
  O oes i oes ei 'ddewid sai',
  A chaiff yn ddiogel ei chwplau.

Wrth Abram d'wedodd, Yn dy Had
Caiff yr holl ddaear
    fendith rad;
  Cof o'r addewid henaidd hon
  Fu'n hir yn gorwedd dan ei fron.

Ni ddisgwyl Israel ddim yn hŵy,
Ni edir 'mo'r
    cenhedloedd mwy:
  Dymuniant yr holl bobl a ddaeth,
  Y Forwyn geni'r Had a wnaeth.
cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77
Hymnau a Chaniadau Ysprydol 1775

[Mesur: MH 8888]

(The Song of Mary; or the
promised Messiah born, Luke 1:46, &c.)
With our soul, Lord, we magnify thee,
In God our Saviour we rejoice;
  While declaring the poem
      of the holy Virgin,
  May the same Spirit inspire our song.

Her lowliness, the King of Heaven saw,
And great things for her he did;
  His strength and his grace upon her came,
  Mother to his dear Son he made her.

Blessed let people call her,
And forever may her acclaim
    and renown endure;
  But let us not worship anyone but God,
  Jealous of his glory he is.

To those who fear and believe in God,
Forever sure his mercy is;
  From age to age his promise shall stand,
  And safely it shall be fulfilled.

To Abraham he said, In thy Seed
Shall all the earth receive
    a gracious blessing
  Memory of this ancient promise
  Was long lying before him.

Israel shall wait no longer,
The nations are not
    to be forsaken any more:
  The desire of all the people has come,
  The Virgin gave birth to the Seed.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion
(The virgin Mary's song; or, The
promised Messiah born, Luke 1. 46 &c.)
Our souls shall magnify the Lord,
  In God the Saviour we rejoice;
While we repeat the
    Virgin's song,
  May the same spirit tune our voice.

The Highest saw her low estate,
  And mighty things his hand hath done:
His overshadowing power and grace
  Makes her the mother of his Son.

Let every nation call her bless'd,
  And endless years
      prolong her fame;
But God alone must be ador'd;
  Holy and reverend is his Name.

To those that fear and trust the Lord
  His mercy stands for ever sure:
From age to age his promise lives,
  And the performance is secure.

He spake to Abr'am and his seed,
  "In thee shall all
      the earth be bless'd;"
The memory of that ancient word
  Lay long in his eternal breast.

But now no more shall Israel wait,
  No more the Gentiles
      lie forlorn:
Lo the desire of nations comes,
  Behold the promis'd seed is born.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748
Hymns and Spiritual Songs 1707

[Metre: LM 8888]

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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