phob awel wag ddysgeiddiaeth

(Gwyl Sant Marc)
 phob awel wag ddysgeiddiaeth
  N'ad im droi, O! Arglwydd mawr,
Gwreiddier ni ym mhur athrawiaeth
  Dy lân Eglwys ar y llawr.

Nid fel plantos yn bwhwman
  Gyda'th waith y dylem fod,
Ond yn tynnu 'mlaen trwy'r cyfan
  At yn dianwadal nod.

Yng ngwirionedd dy Efengyl
  Cadarnhâ ni, tra bôm byw;
Gad in aros yn dy ymyl -
  Mangre dïogelwch yw.

Gweiniaid ydym a daearol,
  Cynorthwya'n gwndid ni;
Ymorffwyswn, Iesu grasol,
  Ar dy addewidion Di.
Robert Arthur Williams (Berw) 1854-1926

Tôn [8787]: Stuttgart (Harmonia Sacra 1715)

(St Mark's Day)
With every empty breeze of learning
  Do not let me turn, O great Lord!,
May we be rooted in the pure teaching
  Of thy holy Church on earth.

Not like children vacillating
  With thy work we should be,
But pulling forward through it all
  To one unwavering mark.

In the truth of thy Gospel
  Establish us, while ever we live;
Let us stay by thy side -
  A dwelling of safety it is.

Servants are we and earthly,
  Strengthen our weakness;
We rest, gracious Jesus,
  On Thy promises.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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