A raid im rodio anial dir

(Prawf o gariad Crist)
A raid im rodio anial dir,
Trwy stormydd a thymhestloedd hir?
  Nid ofnaf ddim,
      doed dydd, doed nos,
  Yn ngolwg hyfryd
      gwaed y gro's.
    [Golwg, golwg, golwg, golwg,
     Yn ngolwg hyfryd
         gwaed y gro's]

Ni saif y gelyn mwya'i rym
Yn erbyn pen Calfaria ddim;
  A phen Calfaria
      hyfryd mwy
  Yw'r unig fan concweriaf hwy.
    [Unig, unig, &c.]

Gwnaeth pechod i mi lwfrhau,
Fe rwystrodd pechod fi'th fwynhau;
  Mewn dudew nos 'rw'i'n dysgwyl dydd,
  I'th gariad wneud fy nhraed yn rhydd.
    [Gariad, gariad, &c.]

Pa ham caiff nwydau'm natur gref
I atal awel bur y nef?
  Mae gradd yn well o'th gariad drud
  Na'r ddaear fawr a'r nef i gyd.
    [Ddaear, ddaear, &c.]

Ni fedd y dwyrain
    faith na'r de,
Bleserau fel pleserau'r ne';
  Mae môr di-drai
      mewn marwol glwy',
  Heb ddechreu ac heb
      ddarfod mwy.
    [Ddechreu, ddechreu, &c.]

Rho i mi brawf o'th gariad drud,
I'r sawl a fynot dyro'r byd;
  Dy gwmni dry, mewn munyd awr,
  Y ddaear megys nefoedd fawr.
    [Ddaear, ddaear, &c.]
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Babilon (Thomas Campion 1567-1620)
Spires (Martin Luther 1483-1546)

Tôn [MH+88]: Langadock (<1811)

(The Experience of the Love of Christ)
Must I walk the desert land,
Through storms and long tempests?
  I shall fear nothing,
      come day, come night,
  In the delightful view
      of the blood of the cross.
    [The view, the view, the view, the view,
     In the delightful view
         of the blood of the cross.]

No enemy of the greatest force shall stand
At all against the summit of Calvary;
  And the delightful summit
      of Calvary evermore
  Is the only place I shall conquer them.
    [Only, only, &c.]

Sin made my lose heart,
Sin frustrated my enjoying thee,
  In a thick black nigh I am expecting day,
  For thy love to make my feet free.
    [Thy love, thy love, &c.]

Why shall the lusts of my strong nature
Get to stop the pure breeze of heaven?
  A degree of thy precious love is better
  Than all the great earth and heaven.
    [Than all, than all, &c.]

Neither the vast east nor
    the south possesses,
Pleasures like the pleasures of heaven;
  There is an unebbing sea
      in a mortal wound,
  Without beginning and with
      never any fading away.
    [Beginning, beginning, &c.]

Grant me to experience thy precious love,
To those thou wilt give the world;
  Thy company shall turn, in a minute,
  The earth like great heaven.
    [The earth, the earth, &c.]
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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