A welsoch chwi Ef?

Saw ye the Saviour?

1,2,(3,4);  1,2,5,6.
(Crist a'i aberth - Rhan I)
  A welsoch chwi Ef?
  A welsoch chwi Ef? 
Iesu, fy Mhrynwr a'm Duw!
  Dros droseddwyr fel myfi,
  Rhoes ei Hun ar Galfari,
Trwy gyfiawnder fy Meichiau caf fyw.

  Hoeliwyd yr Aberth,
  Hoeliwyd yr Aberth, 
Iesu addfwynaf oedd fud!
  'R Hwn sy'n taenu'r nef fel llen,
   A ogwyddodd yno'i ben,
I wneud cymod dros bechod y byd.

  Rhwng nef a daear,
  Rhwng nef a daear,
Tair awr o fawr ing a gadd!
  Fe ataliai'r haul ei wedd
  Pan gymerai Prynwr Hedd
Ei ddirmygu, ei wawdio, a'i ladd.

  Twllwch ymdaenodd,
  Twllwch ymdaenodd,
Twllwch aeth dros yr holl wlad;
  Wele'r creigiau cedyrn iawn
  A holltasant y prynhawn
Y croeshoeliwyd Anwylyd y Tad.

  Heddiw mae'n eiriol,
  Heddiw mae'n eiriol, 
Eiriol dras wael ddynol-ryw,
  Gan ddywedyd, "O! fy Nhad,
  Gwel fy nwylaw i a'm traed!
Mi a'u prynais, O! gad iddynt fyw."

  "Cânt os dychwelant,
  Cânt os dychwelant,
Anwylaf Fab, er dy fwyn;
  Os wynebant ataf Fi,
  Ac os credant ynot Ti,
I dragwyddol fwynhâd cânt eu dwyn."
cyf. David Charles 1803-1880

Tonau [557.779]:
  Crynant (David Evans 1874-1948)
Hengoed (Jacob Gabriel 1879-1950)
Eiriolaeth / Intercession / Prynedigaeth
    (alaw Americanaidd)

  Rhan II - Dacw fy Meichiau
  Hoeliwyd yr Aberth

(Christ and his sacrifice - Part 1)
  Did you see him?
  Did you see him?
Jesus, my Redeemer and my God!
  For transgressors like me,
  He gave himself on Calvary,
Through my Surety's righteousness I get to live.

  The Sacrifice was nailed,
  The Sacrifice was nailed,
Gentlest Jesus was mute!
  The One who spreads the heavens like a curtain,
  Who there bowed his head,
To make atonement for the sins of the world.

  Between heaven and earth,
  Between heaven and earth,
Three hours of great agony he had!
  The sun withheld his face,
  When the Purchaser of Peace received
His despising, his mocking, and his killing.

  Darkness spread,
  Darkness spread,
Darkness went across the whole land;
  See the very strong rocks
  Which had split that afternoon
The Father's Beloved was crucified.

  Today he is interceding,
  Today he is interceding,
Interceding for base human-kind,
  While saying, "O my Father,
  See my hands and my feet!
I redeemed them, Oh let them live."

  "They may if they return,
  They may if they return,
Dearest Son, for thy sake;
  If they face Me,
  And if the believe in Thee,
To eternal enjoyment they may be brought."
tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion
Saw ye the Saviour?
Church Harmony 1834

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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