Aberthwn fawl i Dduw yn llon

(Diolch am gynhauaf)
Aberthwn fawl i Dduw yn llon,
Am gael cynhaua'r flwyddyn hon;
  Aneirif yw ei roddion rhad,
  Ei glod fo'n adsain dros ein gwlad.

Ei drugareddau sy'n parhau,
A'i law haelionus sydd heb gau;
  Mae myrdd o leisiau'n tystio'n un,
  Fod Duw yn hoffi cynnal dyn.

Ei roddion geir yn llenwi'r wlad,
Yn llaw yr hauwr mae'n rhoi had,
  Rhoi bara i'r bwytawr mae ef,
  Am hyn dyrchafwn fawl i'r nef.

[Ei roddion geir yn llenwi'r wlad;
 Yn llaw yr hauwr mae'n rhoi hâd;
   A bara i'r bwytawr a roes -
   Molianwn Ef bob dydd o'n hoes.]
Casgliad Samuel Roberts 1841

Tôn [MH 8888]: Duke Street (J L Hatton 1809-86)

(Thanks for the harvest)
Let us sacrifice praise to God cheerfully,
For getting the harvest of this year;
  Unnumbered are his free gifts,
  His praise be resounding across our land!

His mercies are enduring,
And his generous hand is unclosed;
  A myriad of voices are testifying as one,
  That God is delighting to support man.

His gifts are to be had filling the land,
In the sower's hand he puts seed,
  Giving bread to the eater he is,
  For this let us lift up praise to heaven.

[His gifts are to be had filling the land;
 In the sower's hand he puts seed;
   And bread to the eater he has given -
   Let us praise Him every day of our life.]
tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.', an English translation by 'tr.'

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