Ac wrth i mi agor iddo

(Y Drydedd Ran)
Ac wrth i mi agor iddo
  Fynwes aflan ffiaidd iawn,
Yntau'n agor i'm cofleidio,
  Fynwes oedd o ras yn llawn;
Rhoi y dwylaw fu dan hoelion,
  Wnai i gynnal pwys fy mhen,
Profai'm henaid o gysuron
  Fwy na llon'd
      y nefoedd wen!

Bellach caiff yr oll a feddwyf,
  Gorff ac ysbryd, teilwng yw,
Ar y ddaear tra'r anadlwyf,
  Er ei glod y byddwyf byw:
'Nol myn'd adref canaf iddo
  Byth o flaen yr orseddfainc,
Nes bo engyl yn rhoi heibio
  Ganu, i wrando'm melus gainc.
William Rees (Gwilym Hiraethog) 1802-83
Casgliad Samuel Roberts 1841

[Mesur 8787D]

  Chwilio bûm y greadigaeth
  Rhan II - Dyfrllyd olwg dan fy ngwasgfa

(The Third Part)
And on my opening to him
  A breast unclean and very loathsome,
He was opening to embrace me,
  A breast that was full of grace;
Put his hands which had been under nails,
  He would do, to support my head,
My soul would taste of comfort
  Greater than the cheer
      of the bright heavens!

Henceforth he shall get all I possess,
  Body and spirit, worthy it is,
And the earth as long as I breathe,
  For his praise I shall live:
After going home I shall sing to him
  Forever before the throne,
Until angels make a pass
  Singing, to hear my sweet verse.
tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion
When I opened, slowly, sadly,
  My dark bosom, sin-oppressed,
Then He opened quickly, gladly,
  For my shelter His own breast:
All my burden He removèd,
  Yea, He gave me full release;
With the smile of my Belovèd
  Came the joy of perfect peace.

Body, spirit, now I owe Him,
  I belong to Him henceforth -
Oh, that I might live to show Him
  Everywhere in all His worth!
When I join the host surrounding
  His serene, eternal throne,
I shall sing of grace abounding,
  And the song shall be His own.

Howell Elvet Lewis (Elfed) 1860-1953
Sweet Singers of Wales 1889
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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