Addewidion Duw i gyd

("Lle mae dau neu dri")
Addewidion Duw i gyd,
O! mor werthfawr yn y byd;
  Ar y geiriau mawr eu gwerth
  Pwyso wnawn, o nerth i nerth:
Pan fo cwmni'r ffyddlon rai
Wedi mynd yn llai a llai,
  Duw addawodd wrthym ni,
  Fod lle byddo dau neu dri.

Cilied daear, palled dyn,
Mae addewid Duw yr un;
  Dyma'r pryd
      cawn deimlo gwerth
  "Nid trwy lu,
      ac nid trwy nerth:"
Ysbryd Duw sy'n gwneud y gwaith,
Gwenau Duw yw golau'r daith:
  Ffyddlon yw ein Harglwydd ni,
  Mae lle byddo dau neu dri.
Watkin Hezekiah Williams (Watcyn Wyn) 1844-1905

Tôn [7777D]: Tichfield (John Richardson 1816-79)

("Where two or three are")
All the promises of God,
O how precious in the world;
  On the words of great worth
  Let us lean, from strength to strength:
When the company of the faithful ones
Has gone less and less,
  God promised to us,
  To be where there be two or three.

Let earth retreat, let man fail,
The promise of God is the same;
  Here is the time
      we get to feel the worth of
  "Not through a host,
      and not through strength:"
It is the Spirit of God who does the work,
The smiles of God are lighting the journey:
  Faithful is our Lord,
  Where there be two or three.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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