Aed efengyl fel y wawrddydd

1,2,(((3),4),5,6);  1,2,3,5,6;  1,2,[3a+4b].
(Llwyddiant yr Efengyl)
Aed efengyl fel y wawr-ddydd,
Ar led i gludo myrdd trwy'r gwledydd,
  Ac aed sain yr udgyrn arian,
  I ddadymchwelyd teyrnas Satan.

T'wyned haul ar fyrdd o werin,
Sy'n y dwyrain a'r gorllewin;
  Sôn am Iesu a lanwo ynysoedd,
  Fel mae'r dyfroedd yn toi'r moroedd.

Llanwed moroedd iachawdwriaeth,
Holl gyrau'r byd,
    â gwir wybodaeth:
  Dehau, gogledd, a'r holl wledydd,
  Fyddo yn dyfod at Fab Dafydd.

Doed myrddiynau maith o'r Indiaid,
Hen Iuddewon a Phaganiaid;
  A'r holl ynysoedd a fo'n nesu,
  Yn dorf trwy ras
      tan faner Iesu.

Llwyddiant i'r cenadau ffyddlon,
Sy'n cyhoeddi efengyl dirion;
  I gael rhyw dorf ddirif
      (trwy gredu)
  Yn berlau hardd y'nghoron Iesu.

Croeso hyfryd fore hawddgar,
Pan ddel lluoedd nef a daear;
  I gyd ganu
      am ben Calfaria,
  Gyda'u Priod, Haleluia.
Ac aed :: eled
ddadymchwelyd :: ddadwymchwel :: ddymchwelyd
a lanwo ynysoedd :: lanwo'r 'nysoedd
dyfroedd :: dŵr :: dwfr
A'r holl ynysoedd a fo :: A'r ynysoedd oll fo
Yn dorf trwy ras tan :: Trwy ras Ion dan

Grawn-Sypiau Canaan 1829

Tonau [8888]:
Antwerp (Johann Crüger 1598-1662)
Brancaster (Alan Gray 1855-1935)
Dresden (Claude Goudimel 1514-72)
Llangeitho (1664 J Rudolph Ahle 1625-73)
St Peters (<1829)
Weber (Carl Maria von Weber 1776-1826)

(The success of the Gospel)
Let the gospel go like the dawn of day,
Abroad to convey a myriad through the lands,
  And let the sound of the silver trumpet go,
  To demolish the kingdom of Satan.

Let the sun shine on a myriad of folk,
Who are in the East and the West;
  Mention about Jesus shall flood islands,
  As the waters are roofing the seas.

Let the seas of salvation flood
All the corners of the world,
    with true knowledge:
  May South, North, and all the lands,
  Be coming to the Son of David.

Let vast myriads of the Indians come,
Old Jews and Pagans;
  And may all the islands be drawing near,
  As a throng through grace
      under the banner of Jesus.

Success to the faithful emissaries,
Who are publishing the tender gospel;
  To get some innumerable throng
      (through believing)
  As beautiful pears in the crown of Jesus.

Welcome delightful, beautiful morning,
When hosts of heaven and earth shall come;
  To sing together
      about the summit of Calvary,
  With their Spouse, Hallelujah!
And let ... go :: Let ... go
:: ::
shall flood islands :: shall flood the islands
waters :: water :: water
As a throng through grace under :: Through the grace of the Lord under

tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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