Aed enw Mab Duw Trwy'r byd yn foliannus; Ei deyrnas râd, wiw, Sydd dra gogoneddus: Ffyddloniad ei deyrnas, Y fawr gynulleidfa, Foliannant eu Brenin, Gan weiddi Hosanna! Haleliwia i'r Oen am brynu maddeuant; Pan elom i'r nef, ni a'i molwn mewn mwyniant. 'Rol cyrraed y tir, A sefyll ar Seion, Ni ganwn yn wir Ar hyd glan yr afon; Mewn gwisgoedd a phalmwydd, Cawn weled ei wyneb; Clodforwn yr Arglwydd Dros faith drag'wyddoldeb:cyf. John Hughes 1776-1843
Tôn []: Rhad Ras
gwelir: |
Let the name of the Son of God go Laudably throughout the world; His gracious, worthy kingdom Is so glorious: The faithful ones of his kingdom, The great congregation, They praise their King, Shouting, "Hosanna!" Hallelujah to the Lamb For purchasing forgiveness; When we go to heaven, We shall praise him in enjoyment. After reaching the land, And standing upon Zion, We shall sing truly Along the bank of the river; In garments with palms, We shall get to see his face; We shall acclaim the Lord For a vast eternity:tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion |
O Jesus, ride on - Thy kingdom is glorious; O'er sin, death and hell, Thou wilt make us victorious: Thy name shall be praised In the great congregation, And saints shall ascribe Unto Thee their salvation. When on Zion we stand, Having gained the blest shore, With our harps in our hands, We will praise evermore; We'll range the blest fields On the banks of the river, And sing of redemption Forever and ever.Richard Bursdall 1735-1824