Aed grym efengyl Crist

(Cynnydd Teyrnas Nef)
Aed grym efengyl Crist
  Yn nerthol trwy bob gwlad;
Sain hyfryd gan bob clust
  Fo 'r iachawdwriaeth rad:
O cyfod Haul Cyflawnder mawr,
Dysgleiria'n lān tros ddaear lawr.

  Disgleiriad dwyfol ras
    Dros holl derfynau'r byd
  Diflanned pechod cas
    Drwy gyrrau hwn i gyd:
Cyduned pob creadur byw
Ar nefol dōn i foli Duw.

  Gogoniant fo i'r Tad
    Hyd entrych nefoedd wen;
  Gogoniant i'r Mad rhad
    A'n prynodd ar y pren;
I'r Yspryd Glān boed parch dilyth
Mewn melys gān a moliant byth.
Disgleiried :: Teyrnased

William Lewis -1794

Tonau [666688]:
Alun (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
Beverley (1791 The Psalms of David)
Canaan (alaw Gymreig)
Croft's 136th/148th (William Croft 1678-1727)
Kendal (<1876)
Waterstock (John Goss 1800-80)

 I'r gogledd dwyrain de
 Mae enw'r addfwyn Oen
 Udgenwch weision Duw
 Ymgrymed pawb i lawr (I enw'r addfwyn Oen)

(The Increase of the Kingdom of Heaven)
  May the strong gospel of Christ go
    In power through every land;
  The lovely sound in every ear
    Be the free salvation:
O rise great Sun of righteousness,
shine purely across the earth below.

  Divine shining of grace
    Over all the kingdoms of the world
  May hateful sins disappear
    Through all its corners:
May every living creature unite
In a heavenly tune to praise God.

  Glory be to the Father
    To the vault of bright heaven;
  Glory to the gracious Son
    Who redeemed us on the tree;
To the Holy Spirit be unfailing reverence
In a sweet song and praise forever.
May ... shine :: May ... reign

tr. 2008,16 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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