Aed newyddion iachawdwriaeth, Ar adenydd dwyfol wawr, I'r ddwy India ëang helaeth, I eithafoedd daear lawr; Brysied bore Jiwbil ddydd efengyl gras. Llifed ffrwd y dyfroedd bywiol, Ddaeth dan riniog teml Iôn, Afon bur o'r orsedd rasol, Glan orseddfainc Duw a'r Oen; Ei rhinweddau, Sy'n dwyn bywyd yn lle gwaed. Ar ei glànau y mae'n tyfu, Bywiol bren a'i ffrwythau'n llawn, Ffrwyth a dail i wir ddiwallu, Lluoedd a'u rhinweddol ddawn; Dail er iechyd, I'r cenedloedd yw y rhai'n. Aed effeithiol addewidion, Dwyfol hyd eithafoedd byd; Aent i gasglu prynedigion, Iesu ato ef i gyd; Ffrwyth o'i lafur, I'w ddiwallu byth, Amen. o'i lafur :: ei lafur
Tonau [878747]: |
Let the news of salvation go, On wings of a divine dawn, To the two broad, plenteous Indias, To the extremities of the earth below; Let the morning hurry Of the Jubilee day of the gospel of grace. Let the stream of living waters flow, Which came under the threshold of the Lord's temple. A pure river from the gracious throne, The holy throne-bench of God and the Lamb; His merits, Are bringing life in place of blood. On its banks is growing The lively tree with its fruits full, Fruit and foliage truly to pour out, Hosts with their virtuous ability; Leaves for healing, For the nations are those. Let the effective, divine promises Go as far as the world's extremities; Let them go to gather the redeemed Of Jesus all to him; Fruit from his labour, To be poured out forever, Amen. from his labour :: of his labour tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion |