Aed son drwy'r byd am gariad

(Lledaeniad Efengyl)
  Aed son drwy'r byd
      am gariad
  Ein tirion Arch-offeiriad,
Am fywyd pur, ac angeu loes,
  A dirmyg croes ein Ceidwad;
  Aed dros y byd ar fyrder,
  Lle mae trigfanau trawsder,
Sain gwaredigaeth i rai gwael,
  A llewyrch Haul Cyfiawnder.

  Yr Iesu fo'n marchogaeth,
  Yn ngherbyd iechydwriaeth,
Nes clywo pawb o deulu dyn
  Am drefn y prynedigaeth:
  A Duw dywallto'i Ysbryd,
  Yn ber gawodydd hyfryd,
Fel delo'r byd
    fel gardd i Dduw,
  A phawb i fyw'n dduwiolfryd.
Cas. o dros 2000 o Hymnau (S Roberts) 1841

[Mesur: MBD 6686D]

(The Spread of the Gospel)
  Let mention go throughout the world
      about the love
  Of our tender High-priest,
About pure love, and the throes of death,
  And the scorn of the cross of our Saviour;
  Let it go across the world hurriedly,
  Where dwellings of tyranny are,
The sound of deliverance to poor ones,
  And the gleam of the Sun of Righteousness.

  May Jesus be riding,
  In the chariot of salvation,
Until hearing all of the family of man
  About the arrangement of redemption:
  And God will pour out his Spirit,
  In delightful, sweet showers,
Thus the world will become
    like a garden for God,
  And everyone to live piously.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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