Aed son drwy'r byd am Iesu

(Son am Grist trwy'r byd)
  Aed son drwy'r byd am Iesu,
  Ddatguddiodd o'i ras ini,
    Ei fawr ddoethineb;
  Prysured y newyddion,
  Trwy ddawn, at bob rhyw ddynion,
    Am ei diriondeb:
Ef yw, yr un ordeiniodd Duw,
    Yn iawn a chymod,
    Dros bob rhyw bechod,
    A mawr ryfeddod,
  Oedd canfod Iesu gwiw,
Yn myn'd dan ddyrnod angau,
  Fel byddai i ni gael byw:
Mae'n ben y llu tu draw i'r llen,
    Ac yn teilyngu
    Ef anrhydeddu,
    Am iddo'n caru,
  A'n prynu ar y pren,
Rhown iddo'r holl anrhydedd
    A'r mawredd mwy - Amen.
Cas. o dros 2000 o Hymnau (S Roberts) 1841

[Mesur: 775.775.8555.676.8555.676]

(Mention about Christ throughout the world)
  Let mention go through the world about Jesus,
  Who revealed his grace to us,
    His great wisdom;
  Let the news hurry,
  Through gift, to every kind of men,
    About his tenderness:
He is, the one God ordained,
    As a satisfaction and reconciliation,
    For every kind of sin,
    And a great wonder,
  Was to find worthy Jesus,
Going under the blow of death,
  Thus he was get life for us:
He is head of the host beyond the curtain,
    And paying tribute
    Honouring him,
    For his loving,
  And redeeming us on the tree,
Let us render to him all the honour
    And the majesty evermore - Amen.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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