Aed y fwyn efengyl oleu

Aed y fwyn efengyl oleu,
  I holl gonglau pella'r byd,
A chyhoedded ryfeddodau,
  A rhinweddau'r Aberth drud.

Enw'r Iesu elo'n glodfawr,
  Ac yn werthfawr trwy bob gwlad,
A doed miloedd dirifedi
  I glodfori'r dwyfol wa'd.

Doed yr Indiaid a'r Barbariaid,
  A'r Paganiaid o bob rhyw
At yr Iesu'n ddirifedi,
  Oll dan gredu, i gael byw.

Y mae bywyd i farwolion
  Trwy archollion
      marwol loes,
A diogelwch i fyrddiyau,
  Trwy rinweddau
      angau'r groes.
Hugh Derfel Hughes 1816-90

[Mesur: 8787]

Let the dear gospel of light go,
  To all the furthest corners of the world,
And let the wonders and the merits,
  Of the costly sacrifice be published.

May the name of Jesus become acclaimed,
  And precious throughout every land,
And let unnumbered thousands come
  To extol the divine blood.

Let the Indians and the Barbarians,
  And the Pagans of every kind come
To Jesus without number,
  All believing, to get to live.

There is life for the mortals
  Through the wounds of
      the throes of death,
And safety to myriads,
  Through the merits of
      the death of the cross.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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