Aeth heibio ddydd o fawl

Aeth heibio ddydd o fawl,
  Nesâ cysgodau'r hwyr;
Ond na ddos ymaith gyda'r haul,
  Di, wir Oleuni'n llwyr.

O gylch yr orsedd fry,
  Lle nid oes nos yn bod,
Mewn gynau gwynion, nefol lu,
  Emynant fyth dy glod.

Llesg yma yw ein cân,
  A blino'n moli wnawn;
Ond moliant pur y corau glân,
  Mor wresog yw a llawn!

Ond os cyffyrddi, Iôr,
  Â'n gwefus oer â thân,
Fe unwn ni a'r nefol gôr
  Mewn rhan o'r felys gân.

Ti a daweli'r fron,
  A lywodraethi'r byd,
A'n bywyd wnei yn anthem lon
  O fawl i'th enw drud.

Daw'r bywyd byr i ben,
  A gwawria'r newydd fyd;
A phlethir mawl angylion nen
  A seintiau'r llawr ynghyd.
Ti a daweli :: Tydi daweli

Ellis Roberts (Elis Wyn o Wyrfai) 1827-1895

Tôn [MB 6686]: Franconia (Havergal / König)

The day of praise has passed,
  The shadows of evening are approaching;
But do not go away with the sun,
  Thou, the true Light completely.

Around the throne above,
  Where there is no night,
In white gowns, a heavenly host,
  Hymn forever thy praise.

Feeble here is our song,
  And we do ail in praising;
But the pure praise of the holy choirs,
  How warm they are and full!

But if thou dost touch, Lord,
  Our cold lip with fire,
We will join with the heavenly choir
  In part of the sweet song.

Thou who dost still the breast,
  And govern the world,
Wilt make our life a cheerful anthem
  Of praise to thy dear name.

The short life will come to an end,
  And the new world will dawn;
And heaven's angel's praise will be entwined
  Together with the saints of earth.

tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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