Aeth diniweidrwydd at ei Dduw

(Marwolaeth a Chladdedigaeth Plentyn)
Aeth diniweidrwydd at ei Dduw,
  Dros fyth i fyw'n ei burdeb;
I fyd euogrwydd
    ni ddaw'n ol,
  Trwy gydol tragwyddoldeb.

O! trown yn ol,
    ail byddwn blant,
  Gan droi pob trachwant ymaith;
Gan fyw dan ddeddfau'r dwyfol Dad
  Yn rhwymau cariad perffaith.

Daw felly'r dydd,
    a'n plant a gawn,
  I'n breichiau'n llawn llawenydd;
Mewn diniweidrwydd i gyd-fyw,
  A chyda Duw'n dragywydd.

Cawn ni'n rhyddhau o'n cyflwr caeth
  O'n llygredigaeth farwol;
Cawn! ac i ryddid
    meibion Duw -
  Cawn yno fyw'n dragwyddol.
Edward Williams (Iolo Morganwg) 1747-1826

Tôn [MS 8787]: Dymuniad (Robert H Williams 1805-76)

(The Death and Burial of a Child)
Innocence has gone to its God,
  Forever to live in its purity;
To the world of guilt
    it will never come back
  Throughout the whole of eternity.

O let us turn back,
    let us be children again,
  Turning every lust away;
Living under the laws of the divine Father
  In the bonds of perfect love.

Thus the day will come,
    and our children we shall have,
  To our arms in full joy;
In innocence to live together,
  And with God in eternity.

We may get freed from our captive condition
  From our mortal corruption;
We may! and to the freedom
    of the sons of God -
  There we may live eternally.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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