Aeth heibio'r gauaf chwerw du

1,2,3;  1,(2),3,4,5,6;  1,3,5.
(Hafddydd yr Efengyl)
Aeth heibio'r gauaf chwerw du,
  Y 'storom oer a'r gwlaw;
Ac fe gyfododd hyfryd haul
  Efengyl bur gerllaw.

Fe wnaeth ei babell yn ein plith,
  A'i bresennoldeb sy
Yn troi pob cystudd chwerw loes,
  Yn hyfryd hedd i ni.

Fe welwyd blodeu ar y ddae'r,
  Grasusau pur y nef;
Oll yn arogli'n beraidd iawn
  Oddiwrth ei wisgoedd Ef.

O hyfryd dawel nefol hin!
  Mi glywa'r adar mān,
'Nawr yn ymbyncio'n felus iawn
  Y waredigol gān.

Mae turtur yr Efengyl fwyn
  Yn galw bro a bryn;
Doed torf aneirif
    tua'r wlad
  Gyda'r awelon hyn.

Mae'r haul yn ddysglaer yn y nef
  Cyfiawnder dwyfol ddyn;
Ac mae'n tywynu'n hyfryd iawn
  Ar bob drylliedig un.
Fe welwyd blodeu ar y ddae'r ::        
        Mae blodau'n tarddu ar y llawr

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Belmont (William Gardiner 1769-1853)
Byzantium (Thomas Jackson 1715-1781)
Lydia (Thomas Phillips 1735-1807)

gwelir: Mae'r Haul yn ddysglaer yn y nef

(The Summer's Day of the Gospel)
The bitter, black winter has passed,
  The cold storm and the rain;
And a pleasant sun of a pure gospel
  Has risen at hand.

He made his tent among us,
  And his presence is
Turning every affliction of bitter pangs,
  Into delightful peace for us.

Flowers are seen on the earth,
  The pure graces of heaven;
All smelling very sweetly
  From His garments.

O pleasant quiet heavenly weather!
  I hear the small birds,
Now disputing very sweetly
  The deliverance song.

The turtledove of the gentle Gospel
  Is calling vale and hill;
Let an innumerable throng
    come towards the land
  With these breezes.

The sun is brilliant in heaven
  Righteousness of a divine man;
And it is shining very pleasantly
  On every shattered one.
Flowers are seen on the earth ::        
        Flowers are springing up on the ground

2013,19 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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