Af at yr orsedd lân

(Eiriolaeth Crist)
  Af at yr orsedd lân,
    Er dued yw fy lliw,
  Er haeddu uffern dân,
    Mae gobaith im' gael byw;
Mae'r Oen a laddwyd ar y bryn,
Yn dadleu'i waed am fywyd im'.

  Gwrandewir gweddi'r gwael,
    Er gwaned yw ei lef,
  Mae'r Oen o'i gariad hael
    Yn eiriol yn y nef;
Gwrandewir ei erfyniad Ef
Trwy rin y gwaed
      yn nghanol nef.

  Cawn goron cyn bo hir,
    Oll fel ei goron Ef;
  A gwel'd ei wyneb pur
    Yn ddysglaer yn y nef;
A seinio'i glod,
      a'i ryfedd waith,
Dros oesau trag'wyddoldeb maith.
Ail Llyfr Tonau ac Emynau 1879

Tôn [666688]: Bryniau Canaan (alaw Gymreig)

  Gwrandewir gweddi'r gwael
  Mae Duw'n cymodi'r byd

(The Intercession of Christ)
  I will go to the holy throne,
    Despite how black is my colour,
  Despite deserving hell fire,
    There is hope for me to get to live;
The Lamb who was slain is on the hill,
Pleading his blood for my life.

  The prayer of the poor is to be heard,
    Despite how weak is his cry,
  The Lamb, of his generous love, is
    Interceding in heaven;
His petition is to be heard
Through the merit of the blood
      in the centre of heaven.

  We may get a crown before long,
    All like his crown;
  And see his pure face
    Shining in heaven;
And sound his praise,
      and his wonderful work,
For the ages of a vast eternity.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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