Af ym mlaen a doed a ddelo

(Ymroddiad i ddysgwyl wrth Dduw)
Af ym mlaen a doed a ddelo,
  Tra fo hyfryd eiriau'r nef
Yn cyhoeddi iachawdwriaeth
  Lawn, o'i sanctaidd enau Ef:
Nid yw grym gelyn llym
  I'w anfeidrol ras Ef ddim.

Mewn gwasgfeuon mwyaf caled
  Etto brofodd dyn erioed,
Mae yn nerth, mae yn ddyddanwch,
  Mae yn gyfan îs y rhod;
Melys wîn, dwyfol rîn
  Yw i'r trallodedig ddyn.

Minnau ganaf am ei enw,
  Ac a draethaf maes ar led,
Mai Efe sydd unig deilwng
  O fy nghariad a fy nghred:
Mwy na'r ne' yw Efe,
  Neb nis gall gyflawni ei le.
William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [8787337]: Allein's (<1835)

  Digon yw dy air i'm harwain
  Dy air sy ddigon i fy arwain
  Mi debygwn drwy'r cymylau
  O gâd imi'n fuan Arglwydd

(Commitment to wait upon God)
I will go forwards come what may,
  While ever the lovely words of heaven be
Publishing full
  Salvation, from His holy mouth:
The force of a keen enemy is,
  To His immeasurable grace, but nothing.

In the hardest straits
  Man has yet experienced,
There is strength, there is comfort,
  There is totally under the sky;
Sweet wine, divine virtue
  There are for the afflicted man.

I also will sing about his name,
  And shall expound abroad,
That He alone is worthy
  Of my love and my trust:
Greater than heaven is He,
  No-one call fill his place.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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