y Gwirionedd, a'r Bywyd.") Agorwyd ffordd i'r nef Gan Iesu ar y pren; A Thi dy Hunan, Iesu Mawr, Yw'r Ffordd i'r nefoedd wen. Gwirionedd ydyw'r Ffordd I'n traed crwydredig ni; A'r pur Wirionedd perffaith hwn, Fy Iesu, ydwyt Ti. Mae'r Ffordd, o'i theithio'n iawn, Yn Fywyd i bob un; A Thithau, Iesu grasol, byth Yw'r Bywyd hwn dy Hun. Rho ras i rodio'r Ffordd Yn union lwybrau'r Gwir; Gan deithio yn ôl traed y praidd Nes myn'd i'r nefol dir. Rho nerth i rodio'r Ffordd, Nid dan arweiniad dyn; Yn ôl dy draed tywyser fi, Dy gamrau Di dy Hun.Morris Williams (Nicander) 1809-74
Tôn [MB 6686]: Franconia |
the Truth, and the Life.") A way to heaven was opened By Jesus on the tree; And Thou Thyself, Great Jesus, Art the Way to bright heaven. Truth is the Way For our wandering feet; And this pure, perfect Truth, My Jesus, art Thou. The Way, from its true journey, is Life for everyone; And Thou, gracious Jesus, forever Art this Life Thyself. Give grace to walk the Way In upright paths of the Truth; While travelling in the footprints of the flock Until going to the heavenly land. Give strength to walk the Way, Not under the leading of man; In thy footprints I am to be led, Thy own steps.tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion |
the Truth, and the Life.") Christ opened on the treeHowell Elvet Lewis (Elfed) 1860-1953 Sweet Singers of Wales 1889 |