Ai dïau ddod o'r Duwdod?

(Genedigaeth Crist)
Ai dïau, ddod o'r Duwdod
  A'r dyndod gwael ynghyd,
Yn mherson y bachgenyn
  Sy'n gorwedd yn ei grud?
Dïau, dïos, diammau,
  Mae Duw ei hun mewn cnawd
A gym'rodd ein gwendidau;
  Mae heddyw ini'n frawd.

Ai hwn yw y Messiah?
  Ai hwn yw Had y wraig
Addawyd gynt yn Eden
  I sigo pen y ddraig?
Efe ei hunan ydyw,
  Efe, nid neb ond Ef,
Medd doethion draw o'r dwyrain,
  Medd engyl glân y nef.

Pa ddoniau ddaw i ddynion,
  Pa glod a dardd i Dduw,
Pa les gaiff daearolion
  O eni'r baban byw?
Am hyn trwy'r goruchafion
  Caiff Iôn ogoniant mawr,
Ewyllys da gaiff dynion,
  A hedd gaiff daear lawr.
Robert Roberts 1774-1849
Y Salmydd Cymreig 1840

[Mesur: 7676D]

(The Birth of Christ)
Did the Divinity and the
  The poor humanity surely come together,
In the person of the boy
  Who is lying in the cradle?
Surely, undoubtedly, indubitably,
  God himself is in flesh
Who toke our weaknesses;
  Today he is a Brother to us.

Is this the Messiah?
  Is this the Seed of the woman
Promised of old in Eden
  To bruise the head of the dragon?
He himself it is,
  He, and none but he,
Say yonder wise ones from the east,
  Say the holy angels of heaven.

What gifts shall come to men,
  What acclaim shall spring forth to God,
What blessing shall earthlings get
  From the birth of the living baby?
Therefore throughout the highest heights
  The Lord shall get great glory,
Good will shall men get,
  And peace shall earth below get.
tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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