Ai dyma'r arwydd ro'ist i mi

(Bwrdd yr Arglwydd)
Ai dyma'r arwydd ro'ist i mi
O angeu poenfawr Calfari?
  A all 'r elfenau hyn yn un,
  I'm tywys atat ti dy hun?

A'i bara a fynega'th loes,
A'th glwyfau mawrion ar y groes?
  A draetha'r gwinwydd dileshâd,
  Anfeidrol haeddiant pur dy waed?

Na wna, fy Nuw, O tyr'd yn awr,
A danfon d'Ysbryd pur i lawr;
  Dy Ysbryd di gymhwysa'r gwaed,
  Gymhwysa'r iachawdwriaeth rad.

O, anwyl Iesu, tyr'd i'n cwrdd,
A gwel drueiniaid wrth dy fwrdd;
  I gyd yn ffol, heb feddu o'r un,
  Un dim i'w ddadlu drosto'i hun.

Nid yn y bara hwn na'r gwin,
Ond yn dy gnawd a'th waed
    mae'r rhin;
  Gad ini deimlo d'angeu drud,
  Yn ein dyrchafu i'r lan o'r byd.

Ti ro'ist i lawr dy fywyd drud,
I brynu im' drag'wyddol fyd;
  Myn'd dan fath boen,
      fath dristwch chwith,
  I minnau fod yn llawen byth.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [LM 8888]:
Babylon (Thomas Campion 1567-1620)
Brynteg (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
Green's (<1811)

gwelir: 'Rŷm wrth dy fwrdd O Arglwydd cun

(The Lord's Table)
Is this the sign thou gavest to me
Of the greatly painful death of Calvary?
  And can these elements the same,
  Lead me to thee thyself?

Shall bread express thy anguish,
And thy great wounds on the cross?
  And shall the ineffectual vine expound
  The immeasurable pure merit of thy blood?

The shall not, my God, O come now,
And send thy pure Spirit down;
  'Tis thy Spirit shall apply the blood,
  Shall apply the free salvation.

O, dear Jesus, come to meet us,
And see wretches at thy table;
  Altogether foolish, possessing nothing
  At all to argue for itself.

Not in this bread nor the wine,
But in thy flesh and thy blood
    is the merit;
  Let us feel thy costly death,
  Lifting us up from the world.

Thou didst lay down thy precious life,
To purchase for me an eternal world;
  Undergoing such pain,
      such forlorn sadness,
  For me to be joyful forever.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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