Ai gwir y trig Jehovah?

Ai gwir y trig JEHOFAH
  Ar ddaear gyda dyn?
Ai gwir i Dduw ei garu
  Nes dyfod ato'i Hun?
Ai gwir i'r MAB ymrwymo
  I gym'ryd dynol len,
A gorwedd yn y preseb,
  A marw ar y pren?

O! f'enaid, cân am gariad,
  Ac am drugaredd râd;
A chân am fodd i olchi
  Yn ganaidd yn y gwaed;
A chân am ras doethineb
  Yn ngwyneb codwm mawr;
A chân am air efengyl
  Sy'n dangos hono'n awr.

O! cân am fodd i gadw -
  Mae'r Ceidwad gwedi'i gael;
Am Feddyg anffaeledig
  I bechaduriaid gwael;
Am drefn i faddeu beiau
  A'r gyfraith wrth ei bodd;
Am le i guddio bywyd
  Byth yn yr Iawn a ro'dd.
Hymnau ... yr Eglwys 1883

[Mesur: 7676D]

Will JEHOVAH truly reside
  On the earth with man?
And will God truly love him
  Until he comes to Him?
And will the SON truly commit himself
  To take a human veil,
And lie in the manger,
  And die on the tree?

O my soul, sing about love,
  And about free mercy;
And sing about a means to wash
  Bleach-like in the blood;
And sing about the grace of wisdom
  In the face of a great fall;
And sing about the word of a gospel
  Which shows this now.

Oh, sing about a means to save -
  The Saviour has been got;
About an infallible Physician
  For base sinners;
About an arrangement to forgive faults
  And the law being satisfied;
About a place to hide life
  Forever in the Atonement he gave.
tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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