1,(2,3,(4)). Am air ein Duw rhown â'n holl fryd Soniarus fawl drwy'r eang fyd; Mae'n llusern bur i'n traed, heb goll, Mae'n llewyrch ar ein llwybrau oll. Fe rydd i'n henaid esmwythâd, Fe'n tywys tua'r nefol wlad Gan ddangos cariad Un yn Dri Ac ennyn cariad ynom ni. I'r cryf mae'n ymborth llawn o faeth, I'r gweinion blant yn ddidwyll laeth; Rhydd ddysg a chysur yn ein gwaith A nerth i gyrraedd pen y daith. Ein cleddf yw i ffaeddu'r ddraig, A'n drych i ganfod Had y wraig; Trysordy mawr yn llawn o ras, A gwindy'r nef mewn anial cras. (Cyflawnder y Gair) Am air ein Duw boed moliant llon Yn seinio dros y ddaear gron; Mae'n llusern bur i'n traed heb goll, Mae'n llewyrch gwiw i'n llwybrau oll. Fe rydd i'n henaid esmwythâd, Fe'n tywys tua'r nefol wlad, Gan ddangos cariad Iesu cu, Nes enyn cariad ynom ni. Fy nghleddf yw i drechu'r ddraig, A'm drych i weled Had y wraig; Trysordy mawr yn llawn o ras, A gwindy'r nef mewn anial cras. I'r cryf mae'n ymborth llawn o faeth, I'r gweinion rai yn ddidwyll laeth; Rhydd addysg a chysuron maith A nerth i gyrraedd pen y daith. A'm drych :: A'n drych Joseph Harris (Gomer) 1773-1825
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For the word of our God let us render with our whole heart Sonorous praise through the expansive world; It is a pure lantern to our feet, without falling, It is a light upon our whole path. It will bestow upon our soul easement, It will lead us towards the heavenly land; By showing the love of One in Three And fomenting love within us. To the strong it is food full of nourishment, To the weak children sincere milk; It will bestow learning and comfort In our work, And strength to reach the end of the journey. Our sword it is to beat the dragon, And our looking-glass to perceive the Seed of the woman; A great treasury full of grace, And the winery of heaven in a rough desert. (The Word is to be Fulfilled) For the word of our God let cheerful praise Sounding across the round earth; It is a pure lantern to our non-slipping feet, It is a true light to our whole path. It will bestow upon our soul easement, It will lead us towards the heavenly land; By showing the love of dear Jesus, Until love is enkindled within us. My sword it is to slay the dragon, And my looking-glass to see the Seed of the woman; A great treasury full of grace, And the winery of heaven in a rough desert. To the strong it is food full of nourishment, To those who are weak sincere milk; It will bestow education and extensive comfort, And strength to reach the end of the journey. And my looking-glass :: And our looking-glass tr. 2008,23 Richard B Gillion |