Am Air y Bywyd yn ein hiaith

(Gair y Bywyd)
Am Air y Bywyd yn ein hiaith,
  Seiniwn glod, seiniwn glod;
A'i ddysgu fyddo'n hyfryd waith,
  Seiniwn glod, seiniwn glod:
Fel haul y rhydd oleuni clir
Ar ddyrys daith
    yr anial dir,
Ac ynddo cawn ddedwyddwch gwir;
  Seiniwn glod, seiniwn glod.

Melysach yw na'r diliau mêl,
  Diolch byth, diolch byth;
Ac arno pwyswn, doed a ddel,
  Diolch byth, diolch byth:
Mae'r oll ddymunwn ynddo 'nghyd,
Mae'n fwy o werth na pherlau'r byd;
Am Air ein Duw,
    'i gyfoeth drud,
  Diolch byth, diolch byth.

Cawn ynddo gysur tan bob loes,
  Seiniwn glod, seiniwn glod,
Mae'n dweyd am gariad Crist,
    a'i groes,
  Seiniwn glod, seiniwn glod,
Mae wedi'i buro yn y tân,
Mae wedi gwneud myrddiynau'n lân;
Ei addewidion fydd ein cân, -
  Seiniwn glod, seiniwn glod.
  1 : anadnabyddus
2-3: W Evans Jones (Penllyn) 1854–1938

Tôn [8686.8886]: Gair y Bywyd
    (Peter H Lewis)

(The Word of Life)
For the Word of Life in our language,
  Let us sound praise, let us sound praise;
And may learning it be our delightful work,
  Let us sound praise, let us sound praise;
Like a sun which gives a clear light
On the troublesome journey
    of the desert land,
In which we may get true happiness;
  Let us sound praise, let us sound praise.

Sweeter it is than the combs of honey,
  Thanks forever, thanks forever;
And upon it we lean, come what may,
  Thanks forever, thanks forever:
All we wish is in it altogether,
It worth more than the pearls of the world;
For the Word of our God,
    and its precious wealth,
  Thanks forever, thanks forever.

In it we get comfort under all anguish,
  Let us sound praise, let us sound praise,
It tells about the love of Christ,
    and his cross,
  Let us sound praise, let us sound praise,
It is purified in the fire,
It has made a myriad clean;
Its promises shall be our song, -
  Let us sound praise, let us sound praise.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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