Am anfeidrol gariad Duwdod

(Cariad Duw)
Am anfeidrol gariad Duwdod
  Cān, fy enaid, beraidd glod,
Cariad rhad tragwyddol grymus,
  Heb gyffelyb iddo'n bod;
Caru gwrthryfelwyr cyndyn,
  Gweision gelyn gwaetha'u rhyw,
Caru'r sawl a garent angeu,
  Yn ddiachos a wnaeth Duw.

Felly carodd Tad trugaredd
  Wrthgiliedig blant y byd,
Fel danfonodd ef, i'w hachub,
  Anwyl Fab ei fynwes glyd;
Fel na choller o'r trueiniaid
  Neb a gredo ynddo ef,
Ond bod iddynt gaffael bywyd
  Pur, tragwyddol yn y nef.

Dyma'r man dyscleiria cariad,
  Nid gwaith dyn yn caru Duw,
Ond yn nghariad annhraethadwy
  Crewr byd
      at ddynol ryw;
Cariad digyfnewid ydyw,
  Ffwrwythau arno'n tyfu'n llawn,
Rhoddi'r Mab dros ein pechodau
  Ar Galfaria'n berffaith iawn.
Casgliad Joseph Harris 1845

Tonau [8787D]:
Carlisle (<1835)
Jewin Street (<1835)
Tabernacle (<1845)

(The Love of God)
For the immeasurable love of the Godhead
  Sing, my soul, sweet praise,
Free, eternal, strong love,
  With there being anything comparable to it;
Love a stubborn rebel,
  Servants of an enemy of the worst kind,
Love those who loved death,
  Without cause did God.

Thus loved the Father of mercy
  Backslidden children of the world,
That he sent, to save them,
  The beloved Son of his cosy breast;
That none of the wretches be lost
  Who believe in him,
But that they get pure,
  Eternal life in heaven.

His is the place love shines,
  Not the work of man loving God,
But an inexpressible love
  Of the Creator of the world
      towards human kind;
An unchangeable love it is,
  Fruits upon it growing full,
Giving the Son for our sins
  On Calvary as a perfect satisfaction.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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