Am bawb fu'n wrol dros y gwir

(Ardderchog Lu'r Merthyri)
Am bawb fu'n wrol dros y gwir
  Dy Enw pur foliannwn;
Am oleu gwell i wneud dy waith,
  Mewn hyfryd iaith diolchwn.

Tystoliaeth llu'r merthyri sydd
  O blaid y ffydd ysbrydol;
O Dduw, wrth gofio'u haberth hwy,
  Gwna'n sêl yn fwy angerddol.

[Tystoliaeth llu'r merthyri sydd
   O blaid y ffydd ysbrydol;
 O Dduw, er mwyn eu haberth hwy,
   Gwna ni yn fwy crefyddol.]

Gwna ni yn deilwng, trwy dy ras,
  O ryddid teyrnas Iesu;
Y breintiau brynwyd
    gynt â gwaed,
  Parhaed ein plant i'w caru!

Er mwyn y Gair
    er mwyn yr Oen,
  Er mwyn ei boen a'i gariad,
Gwna ni'n ddisyflyd dros y gwir,
  A gwna ni'n bur ein rhodiad.
Howell Elvet Lewis (Elfed) 1860-1953

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Altona (As Hymnodus Sacer 1625)
Saboth (John Williams 1740-1821)

(The Excellent Host of the Martyrs)
For all who were brave for the truth
  'Tis thy pure Name we praise;
For a better light to do thy work,
  In a delightful language we give thanks.

The testimony of a host of martyrs is
  On the side of the spiritual faith;
O God, while remembering their sacrifice,
  Make our zeal more passionate.

[The testimony of a host of martyrs is
   On the side of the spiritual faith;
 O God, for the sake of their sacrifice,
   Make us more believing.]

Make us worthy, through thy grace,
  Of the freedom of the kingdom of Jesus;
The privileges that were purchased
    once with blood,
  May our children continue to love!

For the sake of the Word,
    for the sake of the Lamb,
  For the sake of his pain and his love,
Make us unshakeable for the truth,
  And make us pure in our conduct.
tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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